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This may be a bit graphic here !!!!!!

We butcher our own,. I am a bit of a tight-wad and can't take the thought of adding a processing fee to what it has already cost me to buy and feed the bird. The first time, DH had a friend help him, but now I usually do.
I'm still trying to get a thick skin when it comes to putting birds in the freezer. When killing day comes, I hold the bird under my arm, with it's head to my back and back up to a barrell. DH does the dirty deed, and says, "OK" . I drop the bird in the barrell and don't look back! I always shivver just a little hearing the dear thrashing in that barrell, so I head for the house ASAP. DH skins em, washes em and brings em in for me to process. Once the feathers are off, they are just meat. It's no worse that cleaning a fish. I don't even know which bird I'm working on. I never open the body cavity on a bird...just too messy and smelly. I take off all the breast meat, legs and wings, then freeze whats left to feed the dogs when winter comes. With a big Cornish X, that can be a lot of meat. Last bunch, we averaged 7 pounds per bird...just the legs,wings and breast!
This may be a bit graphic here !!!!!!

We butcher our own,. I am a bit of a tight-wad and can't take the thought of adding a processing fee to what it has already cost me to buy and feed the bird. The first time, DH had a friend help him, but now I usually do.
I'm still trying to get a thick skin when it comes to putting birds in the freezer. When killing day comes, I hold the bird under my arm, with it's head to my back and back up to a barrell. DH does the dirty deed, and says, "OK" . I drop the bird in the barrell and don't look back! I always shivver just a little hearing the dear thrashing in that barrell, so I head for the house ASAP. DH skins em, washes em and brings em in for me to process. Once the feathers are off, they are just meat. It's no worse that cleaning a fish. I don't even know which bird I'm working on. I never open the body cavity on a bird...just too messy and smelly. I take off all the breast meat, legs and wings, then freeze whats left to feed the dogs when winter comes. With a big Cornish X, that can be a lot of meat. Last bunch, we averaged 7 pounds per bird...just the legs,wings and breast!

You make it sound so easy! But still...

I guess I'm too much of a whimp and my husband will barely shut the chicken coop door for me, let alone help me butcher the poor fellow!!
Very impressive, ARoseForHeaven!
There are 2 ways I dispatch them. First...
I take twine and hang it from low tree branch. Make a slip knot at the end.

put the rooster's feet through the slip knot and secure it. I let them hang there a while for them to relax. Then, I cut their throat. Since they've been hanging for a while, the blood has rushed to their head, they bleed out very quickly.

The other method, if I'm only doing a bird or two, I just hold the bird by their feet. I step on the head to secure, and cut their throat. I don't let go until they are dead.
Wow! I must say I'm thinking that maybe I am more of a city girl and not so much country! I just can't do that. But, I can dress a trout any day!
Thats a cool thing! I'd love to have one of those but my styrofoam bator budget won't allow it! Plus, I can't justify it, don't have that many eggs at one time...
However, I have seen very few older ones and if I stumbled across one locally... I'd be on that like white on rice!
no one does the stump and hatchet? thats how we do it then they bleed out hanging from a tree (can you say redneck) . the 1st yr my hubby built a guiltine(sp?) to dispatch of the meaties. that was interesting.

thats incubator is huge. this fall several 200 cap. went to auction sold for $100 each thought they were huge.
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Is everyone ready for the super cold tonight? I'm gonna go clean out the coop and add some more hay. Weird thing is - I don't find it that freezing cold today. I must be getting used to it or the sun is tricking me.

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