IA here

Got 20 eggs out of my 54 girls today. That is the best we've had since November! I have 104 replacements growing in the brooder in the garage. There's going to be a big culling party in the Spring if some ladies don't start laying soon.

I'm a "Blue Dew" junkie. I send the DH all the way to Pella to get it for me, cause nobody seems to carry it here in Knoxville.

You know, its a real pain to live in Knoxville Iowa...cause if you just say, "I live in Knoxville." people always assume you mean Tennessee. Grrrr.
I never think of Tn - but that's because I've lived around here most my life

I sooooo don't want to go to work today. Anyone want to go for me? I have 3 shirts and a hoodie on and I'm still cold. I think it's mental because our house isn't that cold.

My daughter made it home safe from Mn. Then she got her Scion stuck in her own driveway

I've been getting 6-10 eggs per day, but yesterday I only got 1. They said they didn't like the extreme weather we were having. I don't think they ventured more than 6 inches out of the coop at any time.

Come on Spring!!
I'm addicted to Live Wire Dew
Fortunatly most Handimarts around me have that and I even got them to put in the machine at work. I only have one a day, but I gots ta have it!
I got 2 eggs yesterday. An olive and a brown. Was kinda shocked to see that they had laid any eggs at all with the blizzard and snow in the barn. The got the highway back open around 11 am yesterday so my Dad finally was able to make it home. I need to take some photos of the huge drifts here. One of them almost covered the spare car in the driveway. Think the poultry will be staying inside the barn again today with all the snow and the extreme cold. Yesterday the goose looked out the door when I walked into the barn and then turned around and walked all the way to the far side of the barn like you can't make me go out in that. Normally the goose is the first to walk out the door when it gets opened. Stay warm everyone.
Just sending a reminder of Spring. New life. These are pics of a Serama the Trish now has, Honey, the first time she went broody and hatched.

Enjoy and think Spring even though the waterers are frozen...


So now I am completely annoyed. I stopped at Hy-Vee on the way home to drop off a redbox movie and get a couple of things. When I went to leave the car wouldn't start and then I don't have a cell phone and the hubby apparently left his at home today. So guess who had to walk 1 1/2 miles home??? It wasn't the chickens.

ARGGGGG! And no it's not the battery - I am thinking the fuel pump went out in it or something.

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