IA here

mine seem to bond by hatches. bannies and big girl, mixed colors. i have a few on the fringe cause all there hatch mates died. how can you tell if a egg is fertile without letting it develope?
Not sure if this link will work but it has a good picture of the "bulls eye" to look for in a fresh laid egg. Of course you can't hatch it after you look, but it will give you an idea about the next one

Hey everyone,

I am moving and have several girls to rehome. Is anyone interested? I have purchased most of them from McMurry and my oprs and rocks from Tracter supply. I can only keep 12 and I have 30. They are free to anyone from BYC.

I have
1 maran
1 astrolop
1 chicken named speckles-I don't know what she is.

2 polish crested
2 buff orps
2 barred rocks
2 Silver Spangled hamburgs
2 White Leghorns
Ok guys I'm gonna be crazy tomorrow and go rock wall climbing with a friend. She swears she won't laugh at me. She and her boyfriend climb all the time and are going to spend 2 months this summer living in the mountains in Colorado just climbing every peak over 14,000 feet. Ahhhh Love and Youth. (they are in their mid 20's)

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