IA here

I have to show off this little cutie - this is one of my Spring Chick hatch now 6 weeks old. Lavendar Ameraucana (pullet?) from eggs sent to me by CrystalCreek.

Lost a pretty rooster last night. A BCM with long curled spurs and he fell behind the nest box and caught one of those hooked spurs on the way down. He hung upside down all day in the hen house, and it was 99 degrees here yesterday. I found him about 5pm, tried to cool him back down and get some water in him but alas, he was dead this morning. These things happen unfortunately but he was a pretty boy and relatively good natured for a BCM. We'll make more.
Anyone thinking about going to Osceola this weekend?
That's too bad

I am thinking of taking my "mixed" cochin chicks - not sure yet though. The hubby has been gone for a couple of days so I still need to talk to him.
Kalona exotic sale this weekend. Sheep and goats sell on Friday starting at 7pm. Exotics and Birds will sell starting at 9 and 10 AM Sat. 2 rings on on Sat. Last time finished up selling about 5PM
Discovered one of my young Delawares has what appears to be a tumor growing by (I think his) beak and eye. It's not a sinus issue, it is a hard mass. Gave him a shot of Tylan and will treat with antibiotics further to see but all functions are normal. Appears to be getting worse. I can only hope maybe he got wallopped by another bird but... wait and see. They are such friendly birds too, I hate to lose one.
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How are the prices there?

NM I just did mapquest and it is a near 2 hour drive for me

I would not consider it a place to find a bargain because it is all auction no private sales. With care good birds can be had. They do test every bird that is not from a NPIP flock. $5 entry fee charged to get a bidder #.
I saw good birds for 7.50 each and some up to 50. Poorer examples bring less. Large market last time in geese and ducks. Last sale was a large crowd. If you get there early and look closely you can find the quality birds so you know what to wait for.
I had a pleasant suprise this morning. Went downstairs to turn off, empty out and clean the incubator and there were 2 chicks about to hatch! The power outtage over the weekend set them back a few days but they are fine and in the brooder now. Have one more that should be out by morning. I thought there was no life in those eggs and got my mind changed!
When I got off work, Jerrit said the orders of birds came in. Sooo, we now have 15 turkey poults, the person only wants like 2 of them though, or maybe 5, but we will take a few and so will his mom. 15 Duckies.. I thought all were taken, but then I found out no, that one is only 2, and he got a call for 5....and Im gonna take some lol. They are Giant White Pekins.
50 new meaties, and plus we already have like 20 that are a week old. So, ducks in 1 cage, turkeys in another with the 5 chicks we hatched a few weeks ago, older meaties in another and the 50 meaties in a big metal bin. >.<
I thought one of the poults was dead when I first walked in, had it's head hanging out of the cage and didn't move.
I've heard turkeys are dumb and like, suicidal? We will see now

Oh and the baby buttercups are already looking like their parents! I walk in and think the momma's are in there and realize it's just the chicks.

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