IA here

Everyone at my house survived and I even had a surprise in the coop when I went to collect eggs. My silkie had herself an Ia. Blue chick. I knew she had two eggs but I thought both of them were bad. Guess not

Being the mean person I am - I stole the chick from her and brought it in. I have a duck pond in the chicken pen I would bet lots of feed that the chick would end up drowning in it. Besides she raises crazy, mean chickens
Everyone at my house survived and I even had a surprise in the coop when I went to collect eggs. My silkie had herself an Ia. Blue chick. I knew she had two eggs but I thought both of them were bad. Guess not

Being the mean person I am - I stole the chick from her and brought it in. I have a duck pond in the chicken pen I would bet lots of feed that the chick would end up drowning in it. Besides she raises crazy, mean chickens

We all survived here too. I was out misting my chickens, have a fan going in the coop and even made sure with a fan that I had air moving in the garage where I am brooding chickens and ducklings. Today I put the ducklings outside in a covered swimming pool with 2 pans of water and feed. It has to be cooler than the garage. I just found a new muscovy egg this morning in a nesting area so one of the hens must be getting ready to set. Yeah!

I sold 4 of my muscovy babies today and she said she may be back for 2 more this weekend. I still have about 8 to 10 more to sell. I have pips and one zipping with my eggs in the bator. All in all just trying to survive the heat!!
Everyone at my house survived and I even had a surprise in the coop when I went to collect eggs. My silkie had herself an Ia. Blue chick. I knew she had two eggs but I thought both of them were bad. Guess not

Being the mean person I am - I stole the chick from her and brought it in. I have a duck pond in the chicken pen I would bet lots of feed that the chick would end up drowning in it. Besides she raises crazy, mean chickens

I'm about to round up the broodies' chicks too. They are getting careless with them. I have one Cochin with a bunch of pure Iowa Blues that I would hate to lose
I'll leave her a couple EE's so she doesn't feel bad
I thought most waterfowl take 28 days to hatch.

I thought so too, but I was also thinking there was one breed that took 30-32 days?

I'll go google it

OK googled it - they take 35 days! Yikes! These guys aren't gonna hatch for awhile...
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had a heat related casualty this afternoon. the really sweet and beautiful maran crossed hen passed away

I checked everyone else out and no other stressed birds. I think she overheated hiding from the young roosters that were penned up with her. The roosters are now out in the yard - hopefully they won't bring predators into the yard.

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