IA here

If anyone is interested in possibly clerking at the EIPA show please contact Phil Shank. PM me if you need information on how to contact him. Or to get a show catalog since the website is not working at this time.
Got home from Indianapolis Sunday afternoon. I did as well as I had hoped with my Columbian Cochins . I had the best and reserve Columbian Cochins in the National show. And yes I did have competition because my wife asked me that question when I told her.. My partridge did not do as well as I had hoped. Saw so many really good birds there. I delivered 8 birds to the show and brought home 4 very good Black birds. My grandson is SO happy and proud of his new Blacks!
WOW great job Creig. Glad you had a great time. I drove through Iowa City this Sat. On my way to silkie Sue's We had a great trip to bad our timing did not work out to stop by.
Looks as if we have snow in the forecast for tomorrow night.
Today, maybe 60 here so will get the chickens washed for Lincoln, and maybe set them in the sun for a bit if it's not windy.
Spent 4.5 hours in the hospital yesterday afternoon and evening with oldest son, 14, somehow, he managed to break his leg in PE class! Some kid who plays too rough collided with him and he has a "greenstick" fracture of his tibia. That same kid caused another kid to have a thumb broken in two places yesterday, and a girls face bruised last week. I think something is wrong with that picture, too many coincidences. Sent off a firey email to the Principal last night after some neighborhood kids brought some of thier candy over for Noah. I felt that was a kind gesture, and needed the principal to know how I felt about these events and poor supervision. It caused for an immediate phone call from the principal. I'll deal with him this morning.
Okay... back to chickens; Anyone planning on Lincoln? Greg, did you decide to sign up for or are you planning to come over to the show for a bit?
I had fun Halloween myself, or at least the weekend before:

Hatched 8 of 14 shipped Icelandics from Woolfarms in WI, 6 of 12 shipped BCM from Bargain on BYC, and 5 of 20 mystery eggs from birds I bought at Waverly. I bought 3 Australorps and 2 Langshans, but I'm not sure which of them were laying. I don't know how they were kept prior to coming to the sale, but I thought it might be fun to see what I would get. Not all were fertile and I doubt they are pure bred, but they sure are cute!

7 Icelandics and 1 BCM

Langshan/Australorp surprise chicks - 4 have feathered legs and 2 do not.

Black feather-legged chick

Red feather-legged chick
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