IA here

Which one is the BCM?
Been a long time since posting here..from whenever I last hatched eggs..I have 1 Iowa blue..luckily it's a pullet, everything else are mixes.
Not sure if I posted that I lost a ia hen. I think she ate a caterpillar or something poisonous, just remember she had poo'd out something green, kind of looked like a green bean casing. That was like 2 months ago though and didn't notice it until night and she died before I got out of work the next day.

My poor lonely Orloff keeps getting picked on too..I feel bad for her, she can't even be in the chick pen now, because they are horrible now, I want to get rid of most of those chicks lol.

I have 4 Buttercup Roosters and I think 3 hens hatched out with them. At least one of the roo's looks like Brooster with the comb. I think one is missing a spike on the comb part..I need to get rid of some of them.
Eric, I just now saw your post.

Im gonna try for Lincoln, I sent u an email, but apparently was too late..........so... I will just wonder around until I find the IOWA section I guess..........

Not going this year. Only way to do it would be shipping or if we do go to school next year, bring them when we leave here.
Wow, didn't realize there were so many Iowan's on here. I'm in Central Iowa and have a full scale livestock farm Cows, Pigs, Goats, Sheep, Horses, Chickens, Dogs, Dairy Cows and Dairy Goats.

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