IA here

My Columbian hens are starting to lay. 1 pullet too. Too early to have chicks in Iowa with my set up. I hate to waste eggs from my best birds so will probably set some soon. I doubt many are fertile with the feather dusters I raise. Strange how my best bird last year was the 2nd egg I hatched and none after that matched her. Sent in my entry for the Northeast Poultry Congress show in Springfield Mass next month. It is a long way but my son only lives 90 miles from the show. Won't go if weather makes it unsafe to go.
Saw a great turkey prank on tv the other evening.....
Girlfriend/fiancee had been invited to the future inlaws for a Thanksgiving dinner and was asked to cook the turkey
(think it was her first time).
Girlfriend was quite a prankster so the tables were turned.

Sometime during the cooking of the turkey, one of the Aunts slipped a cornish in the cavity of the turkey!
So, girlfriend, proud moment,
beautiful turkey, starts digging around removing stuffing and something isn't right???

She finds this little cornish and is horrified!!! She backs up and starts to tremble. someone pulled out the cornish, Aunt says "Oh no! You bought a pregnant turkey!" "That turkey had a baby in it"!
Girlfriend feels like she murdered a baby turkey!
Tears begin to flow, makeup all down the face. Poor woman looked like a clown! She was very distraught!
Then boyfriend (by now future exhusband), tells her it was a prank and the Aunt says she put it in there. Takes a moment to sink in then girlfriend says, "okay, you got me".
Of corse nobody remembers that turkeys lay eggs, they are just glad it was a prank!
I can picture Steph doing this!
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I did a complete candle last night and ended up with 20 out of 58. Considering which eggs they were and the dates on the ones I kept, I'd say it maybe had more to do with temperature. It was pretty cold for a lot of that collection time especially toward hatch day. The older ones, collected when it was warmer, seem to be doing OK. Every egg I open has a bulls eye, so I really do think the roo is doing his job. Now at least
I also thought maybe 11 hens was too many for him so I took a couple more of the black ones out.
Exactly - I get charged for "testing" my birds at the Stuart swap everytime and they even sign off on the testing document. They have NEVER had a tester when I have been there ( just 3 or 4 times)

Oscelola is the other auction I go to - they have a tester probably every other time I'm there. I go to this auction more. Unfortunately they sell sick birds occassionally.

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