IA here


That is the problem with the light ones, they are way off on leg and eye color
Most of the roosters have been over laced, but the one I have with my hens now is good on lacing but now has white on his primary wing feathers.

I really don't think a dual line is what we want to go after. These are supposed to be an excellent free range bird, but if they don't breed true it's not a good selling point.
Is everyone's birds laying like crazy? I got 40 eggs out of 65 layers yesterday! Even the Ameraucanas that absolutely refused last year are contributing.
Yes, mine are kicking it into high gear as well. So are Liz's birds. I just started hatching some of my breeds that I want to keep for myself. Our first orders for the year came in and I'm setting eggs for those on Monday.
Yes, mine are kicking it into high gear as well. So are Liz's birds. I just started hatching some of my breeds that I want to keep for myself. Our first orders for the year came in and I'm setting eggs for those on Monday.
All of mine are laying except some old Blacks and my Partridge. After my show next weekend I have to start plucking or get serious about doing AI. My birds just have too many feathers to get fertile eggs without human intervention. Good luck to everyone trying to hatch.
Of my "old birds" I think the only two who aren't laying are my arucanas. Or maybe they are. I am getting a blue egg every other day from someone, but I have an EE out there that is just now squating for me - so it might be hers. I've been getting 6 eggs out of 14 hens, but several aren't quite old enough to lay.

I wish my ducks would be confused by this weather and start laying...
I think all my old girls have finally quit laying. have not had an egg out of them in a few months. The young birds started in then slowed. Weatherman can't get his poop n a group. has been warm when they say it's likely to be cold and vise versa. gets the girls all screwed up! nice to see the longer days.

When I am elected Emperor of the Universe, (only after a proper caucus of course) I will fire all those weather people and change the weather!
hey folks
im looking for the images of the Iowa Blue from Storey's ????? book isnt that the GOLD STANDARD of chickens?? Trish had me look at a book at Waverly there seems to be much confusion as to what an IB should look like on Hurleys thread .............please someone help me and please post the images
people keep writing about what these birds should look like but I realy need a good image
I should have bought the book!!!!
these are the only breed of chicken that I have and need some guidence
thanks again schroeder
anyone from Iowa city to davenport area have fertile eggs i could buy tomorrow? ill be leaving from iowa city tomorrow from my military unit headed into illinois and am wanting to buy from someone local then from online. Im just wanting some good egg layers but my wife wants ''pretty birds''. will just take what i can get cheap. this will be my first hatch since 2007 so please help me get back into it! if needed i can be reached by text or call (309)507-0466-jamie williamson

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