IA here

Hello Fellow Iowans!

I am in Brooklyn, half way between Des Moines and Iowa City. I would like to order chicks from Duane Urch this year. He is well known for his very high (show) quality chickens. The minimum order is 25 and I am looking to share the order with someone. I had planned on getting dorkings but they are not on his price list this year (ACKKKK SO disappointed!) so I may end up with a variety. I would like to mix bantams and large fowl. If you do that you need to order 15 bantam and 10 large fowl. If the dorkings are not a possibility I am not really particular about how many I get although probably at least 10. The chicks are expensive, $7.00 ea, but supposed to be well worth it. Anyone want to join me? He has a great variety of chickens. The 2012 price list is on BYC. Use the search function to find it. Or PM me. Thanks, Anne
Did anyone get dumped on? No snow here, actually we had fog! Some of the girls went outside for the first time in awhile during pen cleaning today. They begged me. A bit breezy and they could see their breath but they still wanted out.
Eric, We got nearly Ten ( 10 ) Inches here in Audubon.

Bring your Scoop.........

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Freezing rain in Belle Plaine yesterday, uggg. It's still cold and damp. I'd like to stay in today and hibernate, but we've got stuff to do.

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