IA here

I would contact the Iowa Poultry Assn. They should be able to answer your questions, thats their job. Just do a google search and look over their website fo whom to call or email. They are very hlpful.
Am I a thread killer???
I tried to join the Iowa thread and then it died. I'm getting paranoid!!!

We won't get our first chicks for another week (8 days to be exact) and our coop is almost done. We are trying to figure out how to build the run. I'm in South Central Iowa and would like some input from other Iowan's as to what has and has not worked for predator security. I am wanting to build the run out of hardware cloth to keep out the raccoons, possum, skunks, minks, coyotes, etc, etc., but the cost seems like it is going to be high.

Any suggestions?
Can't help you with that but can tell you to make sure you bury the wire to keep out the diggers. Also take into consideration hawks and birds of prey.
OH and...
Sorry QuiltinChick - I guess everyone is busy hatching! I can vouch that the expense of hardware cloth is worth it. Chicken wire works for dividing pens, but I'd use hardware cloth on the perimeter. I have chainlink and flight netting for my breeding pens which is enough for most daytime predators I have (dogs and hawks), but I don't leave them out in it over night.
It is expensive to build a good run, isn't it? You will be glad you put in the extra effort though come next Winter when you see varmint's foot prints around your coop, instead of inside of it.

I came home from milking yesterday and saw a red tailed hawk carrying off a Buff Orpington Cockerel I had let free range. And 2 weeks ago, my husband shot at 6 coyotes in my front yard. The coyote's have been here frequently. The last snow we had, I saw coyote tracks form a young one going to every gate/door and tried to dig under some fencing. You just have to remember, these critters have all night to work at getting your babies.

Am I a thread killer???
I tried to join the Iowa thread and then it died. I'm getting paranoid!!!

We won't get our first chicks for another week (8 days to be exact) and our coop is almost done. We are trying to figure out how to build the run. I'm in South Central Iowa and would like some input from other Iowan's as to what has and has not worked for predator security. I am wanting to build the run out of hardware cloth to keep out the raccoons, possum, skunks, minks, coyotes, etc, etc., but the cost seems like it is going to be high.

Any suggestions?
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Does anybody in Iowa have Russian Orloff or White Marans? I have 2 pr. of mature orloffs and 25 week old chicks and 7 orloff X. also have a white Marans roo and 2 black copper hens plus a bunch of pigeons
I won an auction last October for Russian Orloff eggs but haven't received them yet. Now why would you sell eggs you don't have???

Anyway I guess the answer is no, but not for lack of trying. My Marans are black copper.

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