IA here

Aussies are not foo foo puppies so no you can't get one.

If you get some time Tira, take a picture of the girls for me. I have a trio again, one of the original offspring, a rooster (Moose) and a couple of hens but they are not nearly as SQ as the girls you got.

Ok. Maybe if it's nice tomorrow I will get some photos, maybe I can get some of thier girls too. It's weird how calm they are now, compared to their offspring..crazy little things.
All these voices from the past! It must be Spring! It's like hibernation is over?? Glad to see some of you are still checking in occasionally.
Trish, yes Jim did contact me. I don't have text so have to go through here or their website. Will you be going to Waverly? Do you know if Jim is going? He did not respond to my last message. I think the PM thingy is not working properly here.
Steph! Thought thought you gave up on chickens and went to the dogs! (No pun intended).....
Kari those are great Blues pics! You're like the "Queen of the Blues".
Finally had a broody hatch a chick! She has been broody for so long, still has some eggs to hatch. The little chick runs right to me, no fear there. Have 2 broody but one of them gets chased back and forth off her eggs and won't stay in a separate box away from the others. Maybe if I move her at night?
All these voices from the past! It must be Spring! It's like hibernation is over?? Glad to see some of you are still checking in occasionally.
Trish, yes Jim did contact me. I don't have text so have to go through here or their website. Will you be going to Waverly? Do you know if Jim is going? He did not respond to my last message. I think the PM thingy is not working properly here.
Steph! Thought thought you gave up on chickens and went to the dogs! (No pun intended).....
Kari those are great Blues pics! You're like the "Queen of the Blues".
Finally had a broody hatch a chick! She has been broody for so long, still has some eggs to hatch. The little chick runs right to me, no fear there. Have 2 broody but one of them gets chased back and forth off her eggs and won't stay in a separate box away from the others. Maybe if I move her at night?

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