IA here

Eric, is that last chick a bantam Orloff chick? They sure are impressive looking. And the MGB's. They are hard for me to resist. If I were to get any more bantams, those would probably be it. As well as bantam cochins. Sigh. I do not need another project. I do not need another project. I do not need another project.

I'm getting the garden in. Slow process the way I'm doing it, but it will be weed free! Yeah! So it's worth the extra time and effort now.
Are you sure you can pick the birds up there? Oft times the hatcheries "drop ship", their birds anymore. that means they take your order and another hatchery fills it for them and it is shipped to you with someone elses label on it. Shipping will add to the cost as well. Buy local when you can. it's goood business for all of us.

Got the link Jim, thanks. I messaged the people but they were not very helpful to me, vague answers to questions. Found a breeder of bantam Barnevelders and ordered 8 eggs from him. Another Jim, so he must be nice!
Should have those eggs by Wednesday of next week.
Am anxiously awaitng a hatch of about 10 eggs due today but I must be off a day. Mostly New Hampshire Reds and Birchen MGB's. Those MGB's are funny... they are small but normal looking at hatch but within 2 days those long, long legs start a stretchin out. The other two I have from the previous hatch (1st ones) are so friendly, they come running, waiting to eat a bit of food off my finger!

I see some fuzzy Langshan butts in this pic!
Gotta love those Langshans. Good luck with the Barnies. Do you ship Buttercup eggs. I have a friend that is thinking she would like Buttercups and wants to maybe get eggs later this Spring or Early this summer. She hasn't decided if she wants bantam or LF though and was trying to find breeders.
Are you sure you can pick the birds up there? Oft times the hatcheries "drop ship", their birds anymore. that means they take your order and another hatchery fills it for them and it is shipped to you with someone elses label on it. Shipping will add to the cost as well. Buy local when you can. it's goood business for all of us.

Yep, I picked Decorah Hatchery. All I had to do is call and let them know what I needed and when I was going to pick them up. He was very nice, they are a small local operation. I am very excited to get chicks, I hope they like me! Lol.
Yep, I picked Decorah Hatchery. All I had to do is call and let them know what I needed and when I was going to pick them up. He was very nice, they are a small local operation. I am very excited to get chicks, I hope they like me! Lol.

Well I had to call back, My husband Adam decided he wanted a rooster. LOL! I had a hard time convincing him in the first place and all the sudden he decides to start getting chick obsessed too.
My bantam B-cups are not laying well right now. brought the male to the show to give the girls a break, sometimes it helps.
They sure don't lay as well as the old girls did. I will let you know when I start getting better results.
Things went well in Scribner. All BB's and BV's except a 1 for the birchen Modern boy.
David had his first Showmanship. Buffy, (a lovely little buff Orp bantam), as with most proper ladies, did not like having people look at her feet! How dare they!

This guy was the real suprise for me:

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