IA here

Hi everyone..we are trying to get a 250,000 dollar small business grant through Chase, and some other companies. We need votes on our application in order for it to be viewed and have a chance of being chosen as a winner. If anyone else has a business on here that wants to try it, you can. Go to this link https://www.missionsmallbusiness.com/ and log in through Facebook. Facebook is the only log in option available. Then type in Colored Egg Farms, search in and vote for us. Thanks!

Also, I have a broody that has 10 days left til her eggs hatch. It's my little mille fluer cochin and I think she is setting on Buttercup eggs, 4 of them. Last we checked the were developing.
I sure love my Iowa Blues! I can help you with a nice collection if you want to come east a bit. I'm near Luzerne which is about 1.5 hours East of Des Moines. I have pure bred Iowa Blues, Ameraucanas, Barred Rocks, Silver Penciled Rocks, Gold Laced Cochins and Easter Eggers of various types all under 6 months old and some year old layers available. Send me a PM if you're interested.
Shoot, I found someone with some of the birds I was interested in and ended up buying all my coop is set up for. Ended up with americanas, standard dark Brahma trio and my wife couldn't resist some silkies. I know of some others looking for some additional breeds so I will talk to them.
Thanks Trish!
I lost one of my older Icelandic roosters to a fox on Friday came home from work and found some feathers and no sign of him.
. I only know it was a fox because we saw it again Saturday in broad daylight! At first we only saw the horses chasing something out of the pasture so when I went out to check I saw the fox watching me from the edge of the neighbors corn field as calm as you please! The horses are great gaurdians but they can't be everywhere. On a brighter note we now have a new ranch hand at our place, so I hope that will solve our predator problems eventually. This is Kaz our new Great Pyrenees puppy.
Awww! So cute. They're like big puff balls!

The broody hens eggs are pipping! Hoping she can hatch 2, at least. Going to check in an hour or so and see if we can hear any peeps. :)

Also, with the small business contest, for anyone that can help out, please do! We are at 207 votes and only need 43 more in the next 5 days!
Happy belated B-day! 29 forever, you rock! LOL Cute puppy pic. (no, cute is not a word that flows from my mouth often!) If I showed that to my boys they'd go nuts!
Just got he dog we got in Waverly spayed. She is a good girl but wants to stay in her pen in the garage with the chickens, I don't get it?? She only likes to be inside for a few minutes to eat. Then she is ready to go back to her feathered friends.

I had the big 50 mid June and am still exhausted!

Just ahd a very successful hatch of more Blackie and Blue juniors. I am going to enter Blackie in the local 4-H and maybe State fair... Should she be listed as an AOV? In this heat we are having hope the birds keep their feathers!

Nearly 100 forecast here today and the next few, wanted to clean pens but will hold off til next couple days. Don't want to stress out the birds or me! I do mist them with peremthrin water mix. Helps on a couple levels.

State fair forms going in today or tomorrow. Anyone else planning on going?
Awwwww!!!!! Love your puppy!!!!!
I hope he grows up to look like yours!

Kari; Happy belated B-day! 29 forever, you rock! LOL Cute puppy pic. (no, cute is not a word that flows from my mouth often!) If I showed that to my boys they'd go nuts! Just got he dog we got in Waverly spayed. She is a good girl but wants to stay in her pen in the garage with the chickens, I don't get it?? She only likes to be inside for a few minutes to eat. Then she is ready to go back to her feathered friends. I had the big 50 mid June and am still exhausted! Trish; Just ahd a very successful hatch of more Blackie and Blue juniors. I am going to enter Blackie in the local 4-H and maybe State fair... Should she be listed as an AOV? In this heat we are having hope the birds keep their feathers! Nearly 100 forecast here today and the next few, wanted to clean pens but will hold off til next couple days. Don't want to stress out the birds or me! I do mist them with peremthrin water mix. Helps on a couple levels. State fair forms going in today or tomorrow. Anyone else planning on going?
Thanks Eric, Happy Landmark B-Day to you!

I hope everyone's birds survive the next heat wave

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