IA here

How many did you have hatch, Eric? Hopefully you get a lot of small ones. Maybe I'll enter the little black hen that I have left if you take them to the state fair and show them in Open. I can't remember what class I entered them in at the EIPA show last year.
The Mille Fluer hatched 2 Buttercup chicks yesterday morning and a third this morning.
How many did you have hatch, Eric? Hopefully you get a lot of small ones. Maybe I'll enter the little black hen that I have left if you take them to the state fair and show them in Open. I can't remember what class I entered them in at the EIPA show last year.
All the eggs hatched! They are easy to tell apart, Blue jrs are silver and Blackie jrs. are black with some white. very healthy little birds, quiet and slightly shy. 4 Blues and 5 Blackies.
OMG this heat is terrible! I lost 4 hens yesterday, 2 the day before and 1 the day before that.
I have 4 fans in the coop and pans of water everywhere. Today I'm leaving work early to put more ice out. Not sure what else I can do. On top of that the stupid fox is driving me nuts. She waits until the horses go in the barn then heads for the coop. Yesterday we came home just as she was in a mad brawl with my big RIR rooster. She left when we drove in, but the poor roo is a mess. He lost a bunch of feathers but somehow no serious holes. He was completely exhausted and could barely stand or lift his head. I honestly didn't expect to find him alive this morning, though I think the stress and heat may finish him yet. I should probably put him down, but he fought so hard I just can't do it.
so sorry for your loss.i'am in central va.and its very hot and humid here also.i'am looking forward to fall.
Just got back from Florida. It was warmer here in Iowa every day than it was in the Tampa area. I delivered some birds to Kentucky and Florida on my way down. Lost 1 bird to the heat here while I was gone. Hope to see some of you at the Mason City show on the 14th. Good luck with the heat!

Im selling most of white jersey giants, white leghorns, buff leghorns and show strain or RIRS.

And Some various crossbreds from the mutt flock.......

Im between omaha and Des Moines......
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