IA here

Hi all. I haven't been on here much lately. We did go to the Kalona Exotic sale. We shouldn't have. LOL The zebra went for $5,000. They also had a camel and some other exotics. We didn't get any exotics. But we did come home with 4 button quail, 8 Coturnix quail, and 10 head of sheep:) I should have taken some of our guineas to sale. There were only a couple there and they sold for $17 a head! I missed Burlington yesterday. I was thinking of taking some chickens to downsize our flock but we were too tired to get around that early yesterday. We are thinking of maybe taking some critters to Waverly on the 28th.
We went also. I really though it was a rip off!! I have never had to pay to get into an auction. I thought it was an action and trade.... If I had realized that everything was auctioned I would not have gone. As far as the exotics they were neat to see but the autioneer really drug it out. Like really how many people really want a camel???? To argue and get upset because there wasnt many bidding is stupid!! Then we watched the finches and other exotic birds getting sold and when you say a pair of finches that should be for what price it sold for, not after the sale saying that the price was per head.... I wanted to see what the alpacas went for but my hubbies allergies were on a rampage and we had to go.. I wont waste the time or money for that one again.. I will stick to Waverly. Jenn
The alpacas were going for $200 and up without papers. Papered ones were higher priced as should be. Llamas were a lot cheaper but most did not have papers. Horses were dirt cheap from $25 and up but also most did not have papers. And quality was not that great. I feel sorry for the zebra. The people that bought it didn't know a thing about horses and now they have a zebra they won't know how to properly care for.
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Hey guys tomorrow is the waverly swap, looks like we should have some nice weather, way better than april. who is all going? anyone interested in a couple serama roos they are 4 wks old, I don't need them. Well I will be down there I will wear my BYC shirt-I generally have a dale jr hat on also. Not sure what I am going down for, april I almost talked myself into a pair of pigeons, and a couple mandrian ducks I really have no place for those ha ha, maybe I will get a pygmy goat to live at work with the chickens:) Or maybe I should get some button quail they could live in the basement with the seramas:lol:
We will be going. I will have a quadcab dark blue truck with an older red and blue trailer. We got the trailer for free so beggers cant be choosy..lol I am bringing my 2 pair of turkeys, baba the sheep, all my geese and most of my banties. I am just going to stick with some ducks, and standard chickens. Of course I have my guineas too... I will be bringing some young guineas also. Most of what doesnt sell will get butchered so I hope they all sell... I am not really interested in anything at all. See you all there. Jenn
The pic isn't showing up:( I should have a couple hatching on thursday:) I am absolutely terrible at colors my guess is it will probably develop some color have fun

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