IA here

Sorry to hear about your losses Kari. Have been leaving the doors open later at night here, sometimes til I wake up around 1 am but no prds have wandered in, not even a cat.
We have been fortunate in that we have had no birds die due to heat. Yet. Have a fan cooling the pens but they sure pant hard, especially the feather legs.
I have a mix of peremethrin and water in a garden sprayer, that I add ice to and spray or mist down the birds during the hottest part of the day. Have been able to take chicks diractly from heat lamp to pens. It works well except the MGB chicks seem to like the heat.
Thunder and rain this am which is a nice change. Appears to be another cooker for tomorrow and Friday, hope that will change.
It's been even hotter in MN. County Fair birds are gonna look rough this year!
Sorry to hear about your losses Kari. Have been leaving the doors open later at night here, sometimes til I wake up around 1 am but no prds have wandered in, not even a cat.
We have been fortunate in that we have had no birds die due to heat. Yet. Have a fan cooling the pens but they sure pant hard, especially the feather legs.
I have a mix of peremethrin and water in a garden sprayer, that I add ice to and spray or mist down the birds during the hottest part of the day. Have been able to take chicks diractly from heat lamp to pens. It works well except the MGB chicks seem to like the heat.
Thunder and rain this am which is a nice change. Appears to be another cooker for tomorrow and Friday, hope that will change.
It's been even hotter in MN. County Fair birds are gonna look rough this year!
I have several birds entered for Mason City that are in full blown molt. Trying to decide if I should still take birds to help fill the class since they are already entered. My grandson will show a pair of birds also. Lost a Black hen that was entered. Looking forward to seeing people at the show. Want to show support for another show in Iowa which is a great thing. I am sure you are correct about fair birds condition. State fair entries due soon for the open show. Too late for 4H or FFA. Can be done online.
I've been leaving work early to run home and freshen everyone with cold water and haven't lost anymore to the heat, but that bleeping fox snatched an icelandic hen right out from under my nose last night. My reaction was something like this
. I'd lock them up if I could but then the heat would kill them too! I've been sitting out there each evening waiting for him, but he came earlier than I expected.
I have several birds entered for Mason City that are in full blown molt. Trying to decide if I should still take birds to help fill the class since they are already entered. My grandson will show a pair of birds also. Lost a Black hen that was entered. Looking forward to seeing people at the show. Want to show support for another show in Iowa which is a great thing. I am sure you are correct about fair birds condition. State fair entries due soon for the open show. Too late for 4H or FFA. Can be done online.
I got my entries filled out for State Fair online but it is not as smooth as you would think. Had to "phone a friend", to get them completed.
Got room reservations made too and that can be a trick! Lots of things going on tht weekend. I sure hope someone is displaying some Iowa Blues In the Hall of Breeds! They need to be shown there!!!
Trish, I did get Blackie into State Fair under AOV.
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I got my entries filled out for State Fair online but it is not as smooth as you would think. Had to "phone a friend", to get them completed.
Got room reservations made too and that can be a trick! Lots of things going on tht weekend. I sure hope someone is displaying some Iowa Blues In the Hall of Breeds! They need to be shown there!!!
Trish, I did get Blackie into State Fair under AOV.
That will be my goal for next year
I have some youngsters now I think are worth bringing out, but they have a long way to go. I'm hoping I can show in Iowa City this fall.
Hi. I'm a new member on BYC although I have been using the site for over two years now. I hatch chicks and ducks with my kindergarten class every year and this site has helped a lot. It has also convinced me that I can have some backyard chickens of my own. I plan on choosing 6 chicks from the hatch May 2013. It it so far away I don't know if I can wait. I live in town so I can't have too many (although the coop I am building will have plenty of room for 12+. I have seen how chicken math works!)
I have spoken with my neighbors and they are fine with hens but don't want roosters, which I can understand, so I may be in need of some homes for any roos I end up getting. I have been doing a lot of researching about sexing chicks but I am sure I will make some mistakes.
I am busy this summer building my coop. I am trying to get lots of ventilation for summer and insulate for the winter. I have an old shed that we are converting into a hen house and we will be replacing it with a new shed. I also got a dog run off craigslist that I plan on using for a run but I need to get some welded wire fence to put around the bottom and over the top. We have lots of racoons and opossums around here.
I am so excited that I found some other people from Iowa. I am sure I will have lots of questions and it is nice to have people I can ask who understand how weather and such is around here.
Welcome, Kinderchicks! My wife, four kids and I are foaming at the mouth for the state fair, corn dogs, smoked pork chops, nitro ice cream, funnel cakes etc.

Oh, and the poultry barn, of course!

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