Icelandic Chickens

How wonderful!
Wow...good thing you let the bator keep going. I can't wait to see what this one looks like all puffed up! What beautiful babies. Are you going to keep a list for people who want hatching eggs/chicks?
Thanks. I have done that before but this little guy's already seem better so I am going to wait a bit.

Awesome! Sometimes they are tougher than we think and don't need the help.
I am going to start a list of people who want eggs/chicks for the purpose of breed preservation. I am trying to decide who those people are versus the ones looking for the next BIG thing to sell. I don't have anything against people who do that. I even got into the Light Sussex fray for a few weeks myself before deciding it wasn't for me.

I want to do my best for the preservation of the Icelandic chicken. Sigrid told me she has had visitors come to look at her birds and begin talking about what they could cross them with.
These are chickens descended from the Vikings and deserve to stay pure. I realize I can't control what happens after they leave me. I just hope I can make good decisions on where to send them. I want to do right by Sigrid and Sveinn and the people in Iceland working to save them.

When the time comes I will be looking for people to join the cause.

Thanks for your interest!


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