Icelandic Chickens

I haven't been getting near as many Isbar eggs recently and even struggled once or twice to get enough to fill orders. Today the naughty Sicilian Buttercup baby managed to wedge itself between the broody coop in the yard next to her and the back fence, a space of about 3 inches. She was running back and forth with no way to get out. I was bending down to push the fence out and free her when I spotted something that looked like green eggs under one of the fake rocks in the Isbar coop. I freed the naughty baby, stapled the hardware cloth back in place and went to inspect. There was a huge pile of Isbar eggs under the fake rock! In case you don't remember the fake rocks, they are plastic and I cut out holes on the bottoms so the free range chickens could have a place to hide if needed. Here is a pic of Isi standing on one.

Once before, out in free range, there was a huge cache of Icelandics eggs found under one of them. But right outside my back door? Right under my nose? By the Isbars? Good grief. I got Michael to help me scoop up the eggs. He brought his into the house and I headed for the garage. I bent over to pick up a few egg cartons to put the eggs in. I guess I put a little too much pressure on my eggs. Suddenly eggs were crunching and goo was running down my arms. I don't even know how many I broke but obviously some of them had started developing in the heat.

After cleaning up the mess and candling the remaining eggs, I now have 13 Isbar eggs in various stages of development in the incubator! I tossed all the clears and those with blood rings and kept the rest. I have no idea if any of these will make it. Most of the air cells are on the sides because of how they were laying. Three or four of them have visible eyes and are moving. I do not even know what I am going to do with these and the ridiculous staggered hatch of cream legbars I have going trying to hatch a roo to replace Reggie while the eggs are still fertile. At least the dates are marked on the legbars. I will just have to candle and guess on the Isbars. Doesn't help that they are difficult to candle green eggs.

When will I learn to thoroughly investigate a drop in egg production? I chalked this one up to the heat.
Yes, I had another pair of sisters, Thelma and Louise. Louise became known as Satan for her bad behavior. The sisters were very close but Louise was brutal on all the other goats and chickens. So I sold them as a pair. I didn't want to separate them. I did buy a darling little buck named J.D. but Jack decided he didn't like him and stomped him into the ground one day. Luckily he only had a limp for a day and I sold him to keep him safe. I am not sure what my plans are now as far as goats. I may just enjoy the two I have and leave it at that. Any that I add at this point are subject to stomping and killing by the emus.

Pretty birds Cooper!
Yes, I had another pair of sisters, Thelma and Louise. Louise became known as Satan for her bad behavior. The sisters were very close but Louise was brutal on all the other goats and chickens. So I sold them as a pair. I didn't want to separate them. I did buy a darling little buck named J.D. but Jack decided he didn't like him and stomped him into the ground one day. Luckily he only had a limp for a day and I sold him to keep him safe. I am not sure what my plans are now as far as goats. I may just enjoy the two I have and leave it at that. Any that I add at this point are subject to stomping and killing by the emus.

Pretty birds Cooper!
Thank you Mary..
I miss my two Pygmy Goats I had... Will get a few more down the road..

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