Icelandic Chickens

I get home to find both my crested Icelandics outside the main coop. Not outside their cage which is in the main coop but outside
they pulled a Shawshank maneuver and dug from their pen to the adjoining OEGB pen and from there under the walls to the main coop where they used the human door like the rest of my free ranging flock does
At least I got home before dark and they were fine. Will have to rethink their situation in the morning.

gotta love 'em

It looks like of the 7 of my Icelandics that hatched in December (Drekki Jr babies) , 2 were roos....

Great ratio!!

I get home to find both my crested Icelandics outside the main coop. Not outside their cage which is in the main coop but outside
they pulled a Shawshank maneuver and dug from their pen to the adjoining OEGB pen and from there under the walls to the main coop where they used the human door like the rest of my free ranging flock does
At least I got home before dark and they were fine. Will have to rethink their situation in the morning.

gotta love 'em

Welcome to the wonderful world of Icelandics! They are Viking chickens.....meant to roam....they hate to be fenced in!!
If I leave the door to the grower pen open for only a few seconds, the Icelandics are ready to come out and explore! Amazing birds.... neither of my two roos look like Drekki Jr. One is a white probably came out of one of "Cloud's" eggs the other has black and white mottling on the front and is dark. Boston has Drekki Jr. so maybe he'll come up with some more Drekki look a likes.
Yes I'm sure that one day they will run out and I won't be able to catch them.....that is the day they start free ranging

i am constantly amazed at how much their feather pattern changes. Will post pics later of the cream colored crested it has a red Pyle coloration
Yes I'm sure that one day they will run out and I won't be able to catch them.....that is the day they start free ranging

i am constantly amazed at how much their feather pattern changes. Will post pics later of the cream colored crested it has a red Pyle coloration

Mine are currently being kept in the garage, and most of the time, they're in their own pen. They figured out how to open the latch the other day and let themselves out to roam the garage. Good thing I taped up the insulation on the walls!

It looks like of the 7 of my Icelandics that hatched in December (Drekki Jr babies) , 2 were roos....

I will be tickled pink if I get even one pullet out of the eggs I hope to set for the Easter hatch-a-long! And, I'll just be excited to see what kinds of chicks come out of my birds.
Dang. I just noticed on one of the Icelandics I had named Fran, that there are wattles developing.

I had to rename it PHIL!!!

So 3 of 7 roos. He's really got a HUGE crest!

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