Icelandic Chickens


As promised....

The Kentucky girls minus one...........

......the missing one......

Anna and her four.........

Gaela and her two.....

Glora and her one.......

Realized when posting that this is the only picture I got of Gola and her two........maybe next time...

...........and for Mike...........

Quote: Did you ask where he got them from? Icelandics are only Icelandics due to the genes they carry. There are no "standards" to be met, like a particular comb, or plumage, or leg color, so it is very important to know that the person you got them from took care not to let any "accidents" happen that could let the genetic make-up be muddied by crossbreeding. Just because a chicken may "look like an Icelandic", does not make it an Icelandic. Only those with a "protected genetic make-up" are truly Icelandic. That said, unless we have each one DNA tested, we can only take the word of the person we got our stock from as to whether or not our flocks are truly Icelandic and have not had any crossbreeding. Caveat emptor......let the buyer beware!

The majority of my hens have been broody, but I have had a few that haven't been. Most of mine are great mothers, but I had one in particular that was good for about 10 days and then ditched the chicks....gave her a second chance thinking she was just a ditzy first time mom...same thing both times. No more chances for her....

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