Icelandic Chickens

Well sad news this morning. I lost the Icelandic hen that was setting on eggs, she had about a week to go to hatch, she was dead on the nest, all we can figure is she got too hot but not sure,she had food and water and shade and air circulation around the nest, we were able to move the eggs under another hen that only had one egg under her, they were still warm but don't know if they will hatch. I hope so, I am down to two hens and two roosters on my Icelandics. i have had the worst luck with broodies this year, have had some really bad hatches and bad luck with hens. It is starting to get hot here, we had some rain about three days ago but they are forecasting 90s for the week. I am ready to stop trying to hatch till fall. when these last 7 hens get off their nest I am done till fall. Lynn
Did you find Lukka?

I am so excited about your new babies hatching.. Im half tempted to drive up and look at the little icy's....
Thank you for your help last night... My little chick is doing great this morning... Going to keep her and one other sperated for awhile.... They are eating, drinking and running around like nothing was wrong.
No sign of being sick today... I cant figure it out....I must say, I was stessed out all night....
Hot here, too, Lynn. 95 - hot and sunny. Same forecast for the next 10 days, too. You are 240 miles from me. If you want to drive over - I will give you some Icelandics.
Thank you so much for the offer Kathy, I may try it later this summer, right now we are having all kinds of vehicle ordeals, I have had one truck in the shop for over a month trying to he clutch fixed, the auto trans is out in the other truck, we drove the van to Muskogee this weekend and barely made it home, it got hot twice before we got home, I have a friend coming to look at it this week. My wife's care isn't big enough nor would she hear to putting chickens in it!!! I would love the chance to run to Missouri though!!! Let me see what I can work out and I will let you know!!! Thanks, Lynn

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