Icelandic Chickens

You start those conversations out with................"First let me say, everyone is okay"..............after that the kitchen has less significance.

Well, maybe......................

OMG ! ! ! It's lucky you got that phone call, or it could have been worse! Thank God you are still alive (at least until your wife gets home).

I think it would be best if you call her and let her know ahead of time. Better that than the surprise when she gets home.
Dito on Kathy!!! Thank God you woke up!!!! Open all the windows and doors, get the Febreeze out!!!! LOL Lynn
Thanks to everyone that sent me PMs about the disinfectants and wishing me good luck with the importation. I so very much appreciate your kind help and encouragement! I have spoken with the USDA inspector that will be inspecting the hatching eggs when they arrive and he sounded really friendly and gave me lots of helpful advice, which is encouraging since I understand sometimes people have had bad experiences with that. Looks like everything might work out, I feel very blessed so far :)
Mahonri I can totally relate to that.

I can't count the times I forgot about something on the stove, until - something smells burned., by then it's beyond saving. I have trashed 4 different revere ware pots. Twice the bottoms separated from the pot, other times were so warped I had to toss them anyway. They are not cheap to replace. Then I turned to corning ware on the stove top and wrecked a few of those. I know I just don't learn. I've had soup boil out and leave a completely black encrusted pan however the dumplings looked fine. That was so weird I didn't try to eat them.

Usually put something on the stove and just go to check my emails for a minute. I've discovered I can't buy separate pieces of corning ware here - you have to buy the full set. They have got to make indestructible stove ware or put a tiny alarm on them to warn you of impending disaster.
Today I got three ICEY chicks they are so pretty I am not sure how old they are maybe 2 weeks. I didn't realize that they come in so many different colors I was suppose to get 4 Cuckoo Marans but got these instead and I am glad I did! I will have to post pic's.


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