I'd love to have a hatching buddy?

I'm in Southern NY. So cold winters here too. I'm hatching my first call ducks this spring! Did you hatch yours?
just too precious!
My kids are obsessed with everything Pokemon, so this post had me cracking up!! I could envision exactly what you were saying! Good luck to her and all those eggs!

I'm from southeastern NC. Our winters are relatively mild but we do have a few cold days. I have 21 Buff Orpingtons, 17 Rhode Island Reds, 28 Barred Rocks, 2 blue laced red wyandottes, 2 silkies, and 20 baby chicks.
She will be 3 10/12 but she talks like she's 15!

Not really a fan of my white leghorns except the fact they give me lots of eggs. They are flighty and sometimes will end up on top of the coop!! Don't think I will get them again either to be honest
I'm in Southern NY. So cold winters here too. I'm hatching my first call ducks this spring! Did you hatch yours?
just too precious!
My kids are obsessed with everything Pokemon, so this post had me cracking up!! I could envision exactly what you were saying! Good luck to her and all those eggs!

Long and sad story, but my hen had a clutch of 10 in my Duck pen with our two Drakes. I was so excited to have new baby Call Ducks! They were on day 26 and something (we think a mink) got in, killed my momma and took 6 eggs. I was devastated. My Drakes didn't even act like they wee upset, which was weird because the three of them were glued together. I took the 4 remaining eggs and placed under my Brody. She hatched one, two died and the last one we had to hand hatch. She later died. So, to answer your question, we did hatch our own. I'm still sad about it. We should have 10 little babies running around here ;(

Ruby - my daughter is Ruby ;) This is the baby duck that is now with her two daddy's.

She will be 3 10/12 but she talks like she's 15!

Not really a fan of my white leghorns except the fact they give me lots of eggs. They are flighty and sometimes will end up on top of the coop!! Don't think I will get them again either to be honest

My oldest will be three on 10/6!

We've been spending time every day learning about how the chicks grow and hatch. There are some awesome YouTube videos to show the entire process, she's fascinated! She's a talker too....She let me know she would pray for Lulu today so she doesn't "get the eggs dead". :D
You both have adorable toddlers! What a blessing. Here's my highly independent, spirited Ruby Faith. This is one of her photos from her 3 year old birthday pics.

We've been watching those videos too! It's fascinating.
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Long and sad story, but my hen had a clutch of 10 in my Duck pen with our two Drakes. I was so excited to have new baby Call Ducks! They were on day 26 and something (we think a mink) got in, killed my momma and took 6 eggs. I was devastated. My Drakes didn't even act like they wee upset, which was weird because the three of them were glued together. I took the 4 remaining eggs and placed under my Brody. She hatched one, two died and the last one we had to hand hatch. She later died. So, to answer your question, we did hatch our own. I'm still sad about it. We should have 10 little babies running around here ;(

Ruby - my daughter is Ruby ;) This is the baby duck that is now with her two daddy's.


Awww. That's terrible. But at least you got one beautiful little baby out of it. That pic is so cute. Did you brood her insider or did the dads do it? I love the name Ruby. Not my personal name, I'm Jessica. But it was a pets name when I was a kid. And the name for my daughter, Ruby Rose. But I had 3 boys!! :hit lol, so now I use it as a farm name.
Awww. That's terrible. But at least you got one beautiful little baby out of it. That pic is so cute. Did you brood her insider or did the dads do it? I love the name Ruby. Not my personal name, I'm Jessica. But it was a pets name when I was a kid. And the name for my daughter, Ruby Rose. But I had 3 boys!!
lol, so now I use it as a farm name.

Sorry. Sad, sad story. Here is a pic of 15 of my chicks. They range from 1 day to 8 days old.
Baby chicks are the best!

I kept her inside on a light. The dads still don't know what to think ;) She's a month old and outside full time.
Just trying to help- this is one of the worst times to hatch eggas for hens, because at time for laying they are going to hold out due to cold weather. Hope this helps someone.

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