
Hello- I am in the very early stages of interviewing for a job in Boise, ID. Having lived my whole life in the mid-west, I have a lot of questions. If you are from the area and have time, I would like to hear from you.

1) what is the religous breakdown like in Boise?

2) How many weeks/months out of the year do you have snow on the ground? What is your snow like compared to say, North Dakota?

3) When does Spring arrive?

4) Can you garden in Boise or is it too dry? Too cold?

5) We are looking at property about 30 miles out of downtown. NE of the city off of HW21. How well do the HWYs get plowed in the winter?

6) What sports do pre-teens and teens (both girls and boys) play?

7) Is boy scouting popular in the area?

8) What is your favorite thing about Boise?

9) What is your least?

Thanks again for any advice.
1) what is the religous breakdown like in Boise? Predominately christian.

2) How many weeks/months out of the year do you have snow on the ground? What is your snow like compared to say, North Dakota? Boise proper has snow on the ground a few times a year.

3) When does Spring arrive? They say not to plant your tomatoes until there is no more snow on Bogus Basin(the local ski mountain)around Memorial day...

4) Can you garden in Boise or is it too dry? Too cold? Yes we garden...

5) We are looking at property about 30 miles out of downtown. NE of the city off of HW21. How well do the HWYs get plowed in the winter? Often....

6) What sports do pre-teens and teens (both girls and boys) play? Soccer is

7) Is boy scouting popular in the area? Yes 3 of my boys were scouts.

8) What is your favorite thing about Boise? It is a beautiful,safe place to raise kids.

9) What is your least?The winter...I don't like the cold.The older I get don't like it. But it is better than North Dakota.
I have 3 Wheaten Marans pullets from the Bev Davis line. I can't wait for them to start laying - they're 4 months old now. In your experience, do your Marans lay through the winter? Do you provide artificial light? Curious minds want to know

I have 14 Norwegian Jaerhons in the bator right now. Candled them at yesterday and it looks like only 1 may be a dud! Keep your fingers crossed for me
The eggs from this breed are Jumbo and white. Hard to believe such a small bird - although considered standard- could lay such big eggs

Barnchick - I've never had a broody hen...can't wait! When I moved here a few weeks ago, a piece to my egg turner for my Hovabator was lost. I had to order it from Genesis, so for the last week I've been turning eggs by hand and having a hard time keeping the humidity at 45-50%. The missing piece finally arrived today. I hope these NJs are broody

Congrats Barnchick!

Anyone interested in some NJ cockerals, less than a week old? The hatch turned out great - 10 chicks, a 50/50 split of pullets and cockerals
We're up in Athol and have some extra Dominque Roos since the ravens got the girls. Does any one have a couple of Dominque hens that we can swap/buy? Otherwise it is going to have to be goodnight to two of these boys, they make 5 roos with only 6 hens, not a very nice ratio!

Any one in northern Idaho interested in two pet ducks? They Rouen drakes, five months old.
They get along with the chickens, big dogs, cats, but not my one dashound. They are free to a good home.
Hey Idaho. I am looking for anyone in southwest Idaho who breeds any of the Marans. I am interested in obtaining some blue or splash birds or eggs for my breeding project.

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