
Yeah, they bring in hatchery stock, and aren't the most accurate at times. Then some people pick up the odd chick or two and set them back in the wrong bin as well. They also insist on calling EEs Ameraucanas.
Yeah, that drives me CRAZY!!!! I would still bet those are australorps... sexlinks are usually all black, I guess you'll find out eventually!! Have you looked on They have pics of chicks on there, at least, what they are SUPPOSED to look like... but hatchery chicks don't always look like they're supposed to....

WELCOME :) you will find TONS of information in the different threads - i get lost for quite a while reading articles and looking at plans etc..


Welcome!! Sorry, didn't mention that before!
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They did have black sexlinks there too and they were completely black and tiny. The yellow chicks were quite a bit older than all the other chicks in the other bins, so they may have just been put in with the Australorps because they were the second biggest and already had wing feathers, everyone else just had fuzz.

I think they are Australorps after all. It was that white feather that threw me off. I'm still new to chickens. They do have black just fades to pink toes, so hatchery quality indeed. As long as they stay as friendly as they are (holy crap they are attention hogs and don't care from whom!) I'm happy with my newest additions. Now if It would just stop raining so I can get their coop built...I may have to upgrade them to a plastic pool brooder in the garage soon if that doesn't happen.
They did have black sexlinks there too and they were completely black and tiny. The yellow chicks were quite a bit older than all the other chicks in the other bins, so they may have just been put in with the Australorps because they were the second biggest and already had wing feathers, everyone else just had fuzz.

I think they are Australorps after all. It was that white feather that threw me off. I'm still new to chickens. They do have black just fades to pink toes, so hatchery quality indeed. As long as they stay as friendly as they are (holy crap they are attention hogs and don't care from whom!) I'm happy with my newest additions. Now if It would just stop raining so I can get their coop built...I may have to upgrade them to a plastic pool brooder in the garage soon if that doesn't happen.

The australorp chicks that I hatched last year all had a white tip on their wing feathers :) They sure look like Aussies to me. They slowly turned completely black with no white markings at all as adults.
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Ok just went to turn the eggs and heard peeping the chicks had finished hatching. I found ducks pipping they were supposed to lock down tomorrow.ducks are 28 day incubation are they not? They are the eggs from our ducks the hen looks like an ancona the drakes are a tufted runner and a rouen. Doesn't look like the muscovys I got from Michelle are pipping yet. Had a few silkies and quail hatch earlier in the week have to see if I can get a good pic.
Ok just went to turn the eggs and heard peeping the chicks had finished hatching. I found ducks pipping they were supposed to lock down tomorrow.ducks are 28 day incubation are they not? They are the eggs from our ducks the hen looks like an ancona the drakes are a tufted runner and a rouen. Doesn't look like the muscovys I got from Michelle are pipping yet. Had a few silkies and quail hatch earlier in the week have to see if I can get a good pic.
Muscovy ducks take around 35 days to hatch.

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