
Okay, I have to share. I'm setting up a tote brooder tower (6 totes per tower) so I can separate my chicks for customer pickup. To make things easy I setup my feeders/drinkers on the outside of the totes so I can re-fill easily without reaching inside. The bonus is that there is room for more chicks per tote this way. On top of that, I'm upgrading my growout brooders and pens. My gallon size feeders/drinkers go in a portable caddy diner on the inside of my growout pens so I have to reach in to take care of those, but it's only a matter of unscrewing the lid and filling from the top. No poopy water.....EVER AGAIN!


That is a great idea. I have close to a hundred quail chicks hatching around the 19th so the more room the better and food and water dishes with that many chicks takes up a lot of space and can get rather messy. I might have to try this out. Thank you for sharing.
Okay, I have to share. I'm setting up a tote brooder tower (6 totes per tower) so I can separate my chicks for customer pickup. To make things easy I setup my feeders/drinkers on the outside of the totes so I can re-fill easily without reaching inside. The bonus is that there is room for more chicks per tote this way. On top of that, I'm upgrading my growout brooders and pens. My gallon size feeders/drinkers go in a portable caddy diner on the inside of my growout pens so I have to reach in to take care of those, but it's only a matter of unscrewing the lid and filling from the top. No poopy water.....EVER AGAIN!


wow excellent idea. thanks for sharing
That is a great idea. I have close to a hundred quail chicks hatching around the 19th so the more room the better and food and water dishes with that many chicks takes up a lot of space and can get rather messy. I might have to try this out. Thank you for sharing.
I've never hatched out that many quail at a time. How do you manage growing out that many to full size? How big is your grow-out are for them?

More room is nice and they can't poop in their food & water. The bedding lasts longer and everything is easier to clean. I wish I could find BIGGER clear plastic totes to use for larger babies. I'm thinking about piecing together two totes to make a bigger pen to grow-out quail.
I've never hatched out that many quail at a time. How do you manage growing out that many to full size? How big is your grow-out are for them?

More room is nice and they can't poop in their food & water. The bedding lasts longer and everything is easier to clean. I wish I could find BIGGER clear plastic totes to use for larger babies. I'm thinking about piecing together two totes to make a bigger pen to grow-out quail. 
I sell off a lot of them as chicks. I also use plastic kiddy pools with screen over the top then they get moved outside to a big pen once they can handle the temperature.
My roommate works for Valley Co-Op and got me a heck of a deal on a still air incubator. $30 for a brand new Farm Innovators model. I'd left 12 marked eggs in the nest boxes hoping to entice a hen to set them, and been holding a weeks worth of eggs on the counter at a time hoping. Every day I went out and no one seems interested. So Connie got an incubator

Ran it over night to make sure it held it's temp at 99.5, and put 26 eggs in the next morning. I have 9 green EE's, 3 olive EE's, 9 little Cochin, and 5 cream eggs from either the White Rock or the Austra White. The roo's are either my splash Polish, or the White rock.Today is day one, 20 to go, WOOT!!!

omg i am so excited... having chickens now going on 3 years.. been getting Cochins and silkies cause i was told they are good broody hens and go figure my biggest hen of them all is the first to go broody on me my Blue Orphington... so cant wait to actually hatch my first crazy batch of babies,,, if anybody is going to be interested in some mix breeds let me know cause uhhh my rooster is a silver lace bearded polish and the hens well umm i got a large asortment, so i will have some pure polish's but also some mix.. get at me if interested :D
omg i am so excited... having chickens now going on 3 years.. been getting Cochins and silkies cause i was told they are good broody hens and go figure my biggest hen of them all is the first to go broody on me my Blue Orphington... so cant wait to actually hatch my first crazy batch of babies,,, if anybody is going to be interested in some mix breeds let me know cause uhhh my rooster is a silver lace bearded polish and the hens well umm i got a large asortment, so i will have some pure polish's but also some mix.. get at me if interested :D

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