
so i am getting some chicks plus running the bator so i better get on a brooder. does anyone know where i might find some pallets in IF area free or dirt cheap?
I thought I saw something on here but not sure now lol
so i am getting some chicks plus running the bator so i better get on a brooder. does anyone know where i might find some pallets in IF area free or dirt cheap?
I thought I saw something on here but not sure now lol

there are free pallets on Craigslist lots of times. Come to think of it there might be some right now.
If you go to Hatch pit there are often on that people throw away and they will let you pick them up.
Hey all.... I am looking for 2 dark brown egg layers in North Idaho or Eastern WA. They need to be at least 3 months old, so that they can be integrated into my flock of 4. I was thinking BCM or Welsummers or.... if I cant find those, a Lavender Orp would be a nice color bird to have. Thanks for any info you might have.
My incubators are FULL........and I have all these extra turkey'm thinking I'm going to see if a muscovy duck hen will hatch out turkeys. Wouldn't that make a fun photo? I'll take them away from her after hatch, of course. Turkeys don't swim.
Actually........ turkeys can swim. Swear to you. I saw it on my face book feed so of course I had to look it up on youtube.
Hello, I don't know of I posted this here yet or not so sorry if I did. I have a few Blue Laced Red Wyandotte cockerels (8 weeks) from chicken hill that need new homes. I have a couple splash and a couple black. I am in North Id and possibly have someone that could take to southern id if someone is interested. Please private message me if you are.


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Hello thread!

Our efforts with our home-made incubator have been unsuccessful. I am looking at getting a Brinsea Mini Eco Advance because we want a forced air unit that auto turns. The reviews look good. anyone here have any thoughts/opinions? Is there a different incubator we should look at? Right now we are working with Serama eggs - very few per batch.

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Thanks in advance!
Hello thread!

Our efforts with our home-made incubator have been unsuccessful. I am looking at getting a Brinsea Mini Eco Advance because we want a forced air unit that auto turns. The reviews look good. anyone here have any thoughts/opinions? Is there a different incubator we should look at? Right now we are working with Serama eggs - very few per batch.

Found this

Thanks in advance!
I've never used a Brinsea. You might try asking this question in the Utah thread if you don't get any input here. :)
Hello thread!

Our efforts with our home-made incubator have been unsuccessful. I am looking at getting a Brinsea Mini Eco Advance because we want a forced air unit that auto turns. The reviews look good. anyone here have any thoughts/opinions? Is there a different incubator we should look at? Right now we are working with Serama eggs - very few per batch.

Found this

Thanks in advance!
Hey Marcie do you have a few (or even just a couple serama eggs) that I can put under my broody hen? Freckles wants to hatch some eggs so bad, she gets upset whenever I take the eggs away from her even though they would never hatch as they aren't fertile. The poor thing has even removed all of her feathers from her underbelly.
Hey Marcie do you have a few (or even just a couple serama eggs) that I can put under my broody hen? Freckles wants to hatch some eggs so bad, she gets upset whenever I take the eggs away from her even though they would never hatch as they aren't fertile. The poor thing has even removed all of her feathers from her underbelly.

what size is freckles? Large Fowl or bantam? Daniel says "yes" but i wouldn't want her to smash the eggs. lol You will need to separate her from the other chickens, just in case the eggs hatch. Maybe the boys would like the chicks as pets?

Lets talk...

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