
I have Indian Runners but my hen has yet to start laying again. I only have Sagitta hens for now. This Spring I will be getting Black Australorp Pullets and one Cockerel. Later this Spring I should have peafowl eggs. Indian Blue peafowl. I'm also getting White peafowl this Spring but I've yet to find out how old they are.
These are my Indian Runner ducks, Kenia and Kida.

These are my Indian Blue peafowl Colbolt and Sage.

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Beautiful! I love that last photo you captured.

Yeah I am looking for hatching eggs since a Silkie has gone broody. She is on day 3 and no luck braking her yet so I figured I might try looking around. Craigslist has been a bust. I know we have neighbors that do but I don't know them well so I thought it might be strange if I go down and ask them. Though I did purchase some pullets last summer from them... but they had a sign up. Currently they have no signs up or ads.
@Birdrain92 Your Peas are beautiful!

Thank you! I also have 43 train feathers from the male last year and still lots of neck and train coverts. Peafowl molt all of their feathers in August and September. Then they grow them back in within a month and the train feathers take 5 months to reach their full length. When they're 5 years old they have a train of 5' 6'' long. I've been selling the feathers; Train are $1 each and Neck and Train Covert feathers are $0.50 each. I somewhat got a little business going. Colbolt produced 215 train feathers 2014 and his feathers were only 4' 6'' and he was 3 years old. Now he's 4 years old they say 4 year old peacocks have 5' long trains so I will have to see how long it will be when he molts.
Beautiful! I love that last photo you captured.

Yeah I am looking for hatching eggs since a Silkie has gone broody. She is on day 3 and no luck braking her yet so I figured I might try looking around. Craigslist has been a bust. I know we have neighbors that do but I don't know them well so I thought it might be strange if I go down and ask them. Though I did purchase some pullets last summer from them... but they had a sign up. Currently they have no signs up or ads.
Dunlap starts selling chicks and hatching eggs in February.
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Pretty Funny. My rooster had to be taken out of the run today the ladies were being mean to him. (He is a wuss haha). So he was wandering around a bit, and at dusk I went out to get him and could not find him. We have a star on a timer that clicks on, on a post, above the coop...when the star clicked on, he started crowing, he was sitting up there by it, apparently he thought it was morning. Haha what a dork! I have no idea how he got up that high. Had to share the story, it really made me laugh that the star made him crow.

Is this the guy you got from me a chickenstock last year?

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