
My neighbors made a sickening comment.

We live in a neighborhood with a ton of chickens and roosters. They've never complained. My rooster crows in the morning like usual and then maybe a handful of times during the day.

Well I guess they saw my dad at the store and told them "We're going to come on over and take care of your daughters rooster for". My dad said oh really, you'll do it huh? and she replied, "no, we are borrowing my sons hunting dog and letting it go in your back yard. He'll finish him off. To as my dad let them know he has talked to the sherifs department and got the okay to shoot any dog on our property killing our birds. He told them go ahead and try.

Our neighbors are awesome, but these ones. They are always complaining about everything. Not just us, all their other neighbors too. They aren't quiet about it either. They are confrontational. They also are heavy drug users. Everyone knows this and they know we all know but keep quiet about it because if they aren't harming us or others why bother type of attitude.

I just hate when people think those kind of threats are okay to make. No, they aren't, they are messed up!
You do have the right to shoot the dog you're defending your property. That's why I like being out in the country with very few neighbors. Though our one neighbor and 1/4 of a mile away wants to buy the alfalfa field across the canal from our house and turn it into a 20 house subdivision. We were all saying NO!
Quote: I love living in North Idaho! I have lived in Texas (Corpus Christie), Florida,, California. There is no other place I would rather be. It does get cold in the winter, but not like the Midwest, Great Lakes or North East areas with the really bitter cold. I love the mountains, lakes and all the pine trees. I live on 5 wooded acres in a rural area. The largest city around is Spokane Wa. Come on up and check us out sometime!
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Come out and set up your own table for 15.00 and sell your poultry, chicks, hatching eggs, crafts and more!!!
I am in Priest River! I picked up two African and Chinese (white) Goslings at the Sandpoint North 40 (Big R), very healthy little things! Do we have any hatcheries nearby? I thought I saw a hatchery sign near Ford, WA the last time I was over there.

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