Ideal Poultry

Ideal told me they couldn't give you a certain breed on your packing peanuts. They would be extras of whatever breed and would be different from what you ordered so it would be easy to tell them apart. You can also purchase insurance on your babies if you don't want to get any packing peanuts. I chose to get the peanuts. I ordered 2 blue Cochins, 2 barred Cochins, 2 red Cochins, 2 white Leghorns, 2 speckled Sussex and 2 EEs (all pullets). I got 12 peanuts, Production Red cockerels I think. I also just realized I've had my Ideal babies for 3 weeks and never posted any pictures of her ya go :D

Leghorn, 3 days old

Red Cochin


Barred Cochin

Speckled Sussex


Blue Cochins

Sassy peanut.
the packing peanuts they put in , they won't let you pick out . I asked and I was told they have the peanuts in a box that are extras and it's whatever they grab. they usually give enough peanuts to make your order total close to 25. but You have ducklings so I have not idea how many they will put in. I am so pleased to say I have not lost any replacements and all are doing great. I want to say a HUGE thanks you to ideal poultry for their friendly service and wonderful replacement policy. I am very pleased with my chicks.
I pretty much thought they wouldn't let you pick or give a suggestion on the peanuts they use. It's ok, though. I'll take them and rehome them or keep some to raise as dinner (though I don't know if I could do that).

I would love to keep one, but I don't know what my neighbors (not that I have that many around here) would say. With my luck, I'd keep one of the roos that would turn out to have the most loud, obnoxious crow there ever could be! Although, we do live in the country, so you would think people could expect that sort of thing. LOL

rsleghornchicki--you're too lucky!! I wish mine were leaving today! If you get extras, tell us what they are when you get a chance.
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Oh the wait is crazy lol. I have 9 more days before my Ideal order shipa. 8 more days before my Meyer order ships. I still havent told DH their will be packing peanuts lol, but then again he never asked. I order 8 silkies from Ideal so if they give enough peanuts to get to approx 25 lol thats 17 extra chicks plus the 18 from Meyer. Oh how they add up so fast. And to think I originally was only going to order 10 chicks when I convinced DH to do chickens. lol
A month ago I got my chicks, we were planning for 10 egg layers and any peanuts would become freezer birds. Now, we're going to have 19 egg layers, 1 rooster, 9 freezer birds. Chicken math at it's finest.
All my chickens are from ideal,all my hens are great layers and are very sturdy i haven't lost one since they were delivered,expect by dogs.
Although ideal's ornamental chickens aren't the best but what do you expect? Hatchery birds are not the best in the looks department but they're still decent,except for those silkies......all i gotta say is ouch lol.
Anyways if you're looking for laying hens ideal is they way to go

Cheap and great customer service
hey apyl this has nothing to do with chickens but what breed of hound is the one in your avatar?

:) He's a Pointer mix. Not sure what he's mixed with, heck or if he really is a mix we're just guessing. We rescued him from a neighbors abusive husband (now ex) . He is serisouly the best dog I have ever owned, he is awesome with the kids and so loyal.

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