Ideal Poultry

mine that died never had the green poo or gasped for air, Mine that died were tiny compared to the rest but they just never took off like the others.They were weak compaired to the others from the day I got them. My replacements one was so tiny that I thought wouldn't make it but it is doing great and I have not lost any replacements except for one peanut. Which is sad but it wasn't going to stay with me anyway. Mine are 4 weeks and replacements are 3 weeks old tomorrow. Hatch date wise. All fat and healthy and seem like they are on energy drinks lol. I love watching when one finds a piece of shaving that it thinks is something special then the chase is on by all the rest trying to get it. cracks me up.
I don't think it's the carrier thing because I have hatched about 80 of my own eggs, about 35 of other people eggs and have 15 of my own adults! Not one of my eggs or the other persons eggs has ever died after hatching! I also have darn near a 100% hatch rate every week! It's just the Ideal babies! I also have a friend that the exact same thing is happening to!
I really have no clue then about your sick chicks. Alot of us got ours from ideal and have not had that problem. do you go to your friends? just a thought maybe you carried it back from her place and wild birds in your yard can carry all kinds of stuff and give to chickens as well. I really have no idea and wish I could help you . None of us have had this problem so I am at a loss.Sorry you are having this issue. it's not a fun thing to go through and it's sad to see a baby chick suffer and die.
have you tried doing a oxine AH misting or fogging of everything including chicks and chickens?Reading up it could be something of that nature maybe? I am just trying to help solve and figure out what it might be. I myself after reading up just ordered some myself .
I don't think it's the carrier thing because I have hatched about 80 of my own eggs, about 35 of other people eggs and have 15 of my own adults! Not one of my eggs or the other persons eggs has ever died after hatching! I also have darn near a 100% hatch rate every week! It's just the Ideal babies! I also have a friend that the exact same thing is happening to!

This is too bad. I have to agree with some of the others (and of course without a blood sample or necropsy, there is no definite diagnosis, just theory) that it has to be a bug of some sort. Don't know what kind, but SOMETHING that your birds are immune to, these new little chicks from Ideal are not. If you could bag one up, you could send it to a Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Lab somewhere for about $10 and they can identify the cause.

Most folks have great luck with Ideal with very minmal losses, if any at all. We all wish we could help you! The only thing I can suggest is once you get to a point where your brooder and incubator and feeders aren't in use, then tear them all apart and scrub scrub scrub with a disinfectant like Rocal or something (can be sprayed on, left to dry then washed off really good) and just thoroughly wash everything. Bleach won't kill everything but some of the stronger disinfectants/sanitizers out there can do some good damage on any hidden viruses that might be lurking about (check the livestock supply houses online). Even if you don't think it is a bug, well then you'll have really clean facilities afterwards! LOL! I clean mine that way after EVERY chick brooding and have never had a death. I also keep my whole poultry house clean using that method and I've never had sick chicken baby or adult either. But I might be a bit obsessive compulsive with cleanliness - but that's not such a bad habit to have I guess!!

I DO have a sign on my chick house that says ''DO NOT ENTER UNLESS UNDER EGGSTREME CIRCUMSTANCES" ever since I found out the neighbors were coming over with their kids to play with my critters when I wasn't home....I stopped that real quick. That was a mess waiting to happen!
Personally I like Ideal. I've ordered twice from them and have had great luck. I received 5 Barred LF Cochins and 7 Welsummers last month from them.
Ok! I know we are not the only ones! I have read tons of posts about ideal babies all dying from all different people! Just a thought though - most of the people on this thread are talking about how good their "replacements" are doing! Well, why did you need replacements in the first place!? I know for a fact that it is not me or my friends birds! Even our first batches from Ideal are fine! It's the second batch from them that came with issues! They are not even sick! They are just extremely weak! They are dying from severe weakness! Pretty sad that asking a simple question gets everyone on a "your birds are diseased" kick! Sorry for asking!!! Have a great one!
I will never order from Ideal again. When I received my chicks last year I lost a couple. Then my geese started to fail and stayed up all night with them. I also got a couple of chicks that were not the right kind of chicks. I had a cuckoo muran that grew up deformed. Didn't get the credit for the birds that died even though they said they would credit me. It left a lasting memory for me and I will not go through that again.

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