If my broody hatches them, then what???


8 Years
Jun 13, 2011
Okay...tomorrow will be day 21. I have my hen and eggs in a nice little brooder set up in the barn. She's on the eggs and has been very diligent and a good broody. I candled the eggs, and to my untrained eye, they looked just like the pics on the link in this forum.
Soooo, if all goes well, they should start hatching Wednesday night or Thursday sometime. Then what?!?!
I figure I should leave her in the brooder with them for a few days, but when and how soon should I put them into the coop/run with the rest of the flock? I don't have room in the coop for a seperate place for them and out in the run would be too unprotected at night.
Should I set up a temporary run type thing for them, to keep them away from the rest of the flock during the day, and then just put them back in the brooder in the evening, or just put them out in the temporary run a few times a day with mum, then all back into the brooder. Or, take them out to the big run with mum, and the rest of the flock and into the brooder at night. Oh, and the flock does free range all day, so they're in and out of the run as they please during the day. (Mostly just to go in the coop and lay, or follow me in when I'm cleaning up to get treats.)
Sorry, I'm totally new to this, (my first hatching EVER)...and don't know how to handle this. I had left her in the coop until today, and moved her and the eggs to the nest in the brooder (located in the barn) so that they wouldn't hatch in the coop with all the other hens and the rooster. Besides that, she was in a top row nest. Didn't want anyone falling out.
Any advise or suggestions will be much appreciated!
Thanks all!
I was wondering the same thing. My hen hatched an egg outside, same situation, I ended up bringing her inside and setting her up in the laundry room with her eggs. I also put eggs under her when they started to pip in the incubator and she ended up with 18 chicks that she was very good about taking care of. I'm sure that probably wasn't the best way to go, but it worked... now I have a hen and 18 chicks in my bathtub and I'm not sure what to do with them from here
Oh my....I don't want to end up with a tub full. Hope someone with experience will pipe in before you need to use that tub! lol!
Remove her from the rest of the chickens, in her own pen. Make sure she is kept on her eggs at all times but make sure she eats and drinks and takes a break for about 20-30 mintues. When I hatched out chicks, I kept my broody hen and her eggs in the garage for about a week. When all the chicks were fluffed up I put them outside in a pen with a little run, not to big because they can catch a chill. Hope this help. If you want any other information just contact me.
Thank you, it is a help. She's sitting on them now in the brooder, and hopefully they'll hatch in the next day or two.

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