If you could add two chickens to your backyard flock what would they be?

Two? We can add only two??? Let's see. Maybe two more California greys. Mine haven't stopped laying since they started and there are so many crosses you can make with them. BUT are you sure two is the limit we can add for this forum???
OK, maybe a true Ameraucana to see if there is a difference in the color between my Americanas or Easter Egg colors and a black sex link to cross me over to the dark side. Not counting bantams which are pets, I have all heritage breeds or mixes thereof so I could see the difference in number of eggs and perhaps egg size between a production bird and my heritage birds But with some of my layers I doubt that. My EE eggs are huge. Mebbe you could up the number to more than two since I did want to try a few austrolorps, too.......
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I've been thinking about a gold laced Wyandotte and a speckled Sussex... After reading this thread, maybe I'm leaning more toward the Sussex. I need a decent amount of eggs, a good personality (they have to share the yard with my kids) and a somewhat camouflaged color (there's a hawk in the neighborhood.) I already have two Easter Eggers and I love them! They meet all the above criteria.
Buckeyes, they are a dual purpose breed that are cold weather tolerant. My main flock is 40 buff Orpington hens and 20 white leghorn hens, plus a few buckeye hens. I've gotten rid of most of the roosters except for three Buckeyes and a couple leghorn/americauana mixes. I plan on separating the breeds in the spring and use the buckeye rooster to mix with the buff Orpington and white leghorns to see if I can get some interesting layers.
I have only sex-links (black and red). They are awesome layers, don't go broody, and great personalities. They usually lay every day, large brown eggs. They have slowed down now because of the winter light hours.
I currently have favorelles, but am thinking domininecker if I can find one at our local auction, hearty and good layers. but from what I understand favorelles are kinda needy and gentle so don't want to stress them out with bigger birds. yard is plenty big enough for them all but, who knows. we'll see. if not domineckers, then just regular ole' leghorns.
I love my Ancona. She lays more eggs than any of the other girls, is independent, and is the most entertaining chicken I've ever seen as well as being striking in appearance!
Brahmas make wonderful pets and that is good because you need to handle them often to check their feet. Gunk can get caught in their feathers on their feet and can cripple a chicken if not kept clean. You would notice a problem right away if the chicken was a pet.

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