If you could add two chickens to your backyard flock what would they be?

I just added 2 girls; salmon faverolle and Exchequer Leghorn. If I could add just 1 more it would red sex link (red star) because they are friendly egg machines.
So I just picked up two Blue Partridge Brahmas. I got two because they were straight run and only 3 weeks old so I had no clue how to sex them. Ill post their pictures when I get home and maybe you all can give me some input. My plan/hope is that one will be a hen and one will be a rooster and I'll sell the rooster. If I end up with two roosters I'll have to start over, and if I end up with two hens, I'll have a decision to make. I still want to add a red star too, so we will see what happens. Darn chicken math.
Wow - that's a nice gesture, but yes, getting past customs without being fleeced is a challenge at the best of times. I'm currently in the uk and considered taking some eggs back but decided it was too much hassle as I had to time the eggs with my broody.

You could always do as they did in importing the birds known as Marans into Britain to work on and make a breed of them. It was during a trade embargo, the person put in lunch basket with other foods and called them boiled eggs.
If I could only have two birds to add they would be:

A cock or cockerel from a particular breeder in Maine of LF Silver Penciled and a black pullet or hen of impeccable type from a line in Vermont. It's staggering what could be done with just two birds.

Maybe it would take the right stars aligning but I imagine these birds would produce a nationals best variety in fall of second year and incredible stable line of even better quality (size and type) spring of fourth year. Or it could fail miserably by summer of second year.
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So here are the two Brahmas I just got. I got two because they were straight run, so I am just playing the odds.
Are Guinea Hens good for laying eggs. they seem so cute. Would it be ok to add two of them to a older flock, of Rhode Island, Buff, and Americana's?
This year I ordered California Grays and Buckeyes. I want white eggs to fill out the cartons and the Grays seem forage better than the typical leghorn crosses. I really am looking forward to getting Buckeyes. I need the mouser in them. Looked out at the girls the other morning to see a fat old field mouse sharing the melon rinds that was the morning treat. OF course I am replacing the Naked Necks that were lost a couple years ago. NN are such sweet birds, rarely bossy and they handle the Texas heat so well.
I'd like to have some Bielevelders and some Langshans. I'd also like to have some real-deal heritage New Hampshires.

Had a couple Birchen Marans Their eggs weren't as dark as the Black Copper birds but, they were soooo awesome-looking. The roosters were some of the most beautiful birds I ever saw!

Good to see the good-ole Buckeye on so many people's lists. That is the best foraging chicken I ever saw. That chicken, if allowed to free range, will save their owners a bundle on feed to a greater extent than any breed I've been around. Fantastic at spotting hawks, giving the alarm and, getting everybody safely hidden before the attack. And, they're bulletproof! Can't imagine a more practical bird to have out in the country.
I have Australorps, but am planning on adding Buckeyes. I did have a couple once upon a time, and they are the most chatty, social, docile, and entertaining of birds! Am looking forward to getting more.

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