If You Could Only Have 6 Chickens...

I would have-
Buff Silkie-Broodiness
Araucana- Because they are rumpless and they lay blue eggs
White Sultan- Because of there beautiful Feathered legs and Crest
Barred Rock- I LOVE barred feathers
Cinnamon Queen- Nice balance of Orange and white( plus good egg production )
Chocolate Maran- Nice dark eggs
When we started our flock, we only planned for six! We have: A golden laced Wyandotte, a silver laced Wyandotte, a speckled Sussex, a Rhode Island red, a Barnevelder, and a dark Cornish. (Though the GLW passed before we got home, so we set up the others, and two of us drove back to the hatchery -3 hours one way- and got a GLW, a white cochin, and a blue Orpington, which ended up being an Ameraucana and a rooster.)
If I had to choose 6 and could have any 6 I would have:
1 Blue Laced Red Wyandotte
1 Buff Orpington
1 Lavender Orpington
1 Blue Cochin
1 Black silkie
1 Blue Laced Red Frizzle.
We'll I already have three: Orpington, australorp and wyandotte. But I would add a Sussex, Rhode island red and a faverolle. I would like a nice mix of different looking ladies with a mix of colors and styles. But I would need a permit to keep more.
What breeds would you choose if you could only have 6 hens, and why?

I would have:

A Silkie
A large Cochin
An Olive Egger
An Ameracauna or Araucana
A Wellsummer
A Rhode Island Red

(I have 4 of those breeds and will likely add the Wellsummer and RIR when the opportunity arises.)

Wyandotte’s are really pretty, and are good layers.

Silkies!! I love them so so much.
My daughters choices:
Mottled Japanese Banty
Swedish Flower hen
English Orpington
Speckled Sussex
Swedish Flower
White Jersey Giant
Why Hens Only?! Roosters are so pretty and mine have always been the cuddliest pets.

If only hens:
1) Speckled Sussex (had several of these before-friendly, calm, pretty, good layers)
2) French Black Copper Maran that lays dark chocolate eggs (never had one. Egg color would be cool to have)
3) Blue laced Red Wyandotte (so pretty-always wanted one)
4) Modern Game Bantam (had several in the past-friendly, calm, they look so striking. Love those long legs!)
5) Easter Egger (have had some in the past-blue or green eggs! Cute, friendly)
6) (Decisions, decisions!) Porcelain anything (love that color! Always wanted one, never saw one for sale)

6 Breeds of Roosters I'd pick:
1) Long tails! (I have 2 now, have had a Phoenix in the past. Beautiful, calm, friendly)
2) Long crowers (would be awesome!)
3) Japanese bantam (they look cute!)
4) Ayam Cemani (never had one. So cool looking!)
5) Mille Fleur D’Uccles (so pretty-always wanted one, never saw them for sale)
6) Something really ornamental, like an Appenzeller Spitzhauben (crested, v-comb, pretty color pattern)

Runners Up (pretty colors/patterns): Lakenvelder, Sicilian Buttercup, Egyptian Fayoumi. I could go on and on...

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