If you have a beautiful coop that looks like a little house, post!

These coops are all so beautiful, creative and fun!! I've noticed a lot of beautifully landscaped yards too.

Ahhh, if I didn't live in a wind tunnel I'd have a dozen little chicken houses all over my property!!

Beautiful work people!
I love looking at all of these creative coops. RomanticRoost - your's was my favorite by far. I love your little cottage!

Here is our coop, made with mostly recycled materials. We spent under $200.


Edited to add the full image instead of the thumb.
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Ok, was that a parquet floor on that coop? I would do anything, and I do mean ANYTHING, for my girls, but maybe not one thing, maybe not parquet!

Ok, looking back it looks like linoleum in a parquet pattern, that would be better!

ETA Yes, to yaychicks, i wanted to move in too. I think there would be room for the both of us. Can you imagine, wine and good weather and a week to sit and watch the chickens. HEAVEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would like to call for an onsite massage. I don't think they would go for that in Brooklyn Iowa but maybe in California.......keep the wine coming!
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I thought I posted this but didn't see it, forgive me if it's a repeat. STILL not stained and painted. Next year you will be blown away, that's a promise!


Here are a couple of pics of my friends chicken coup that I was involved in constructing for her.

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