If you have a dog.....

My black lab, the killer bird dog....

We have a Corgi/Beagle mix stray who came to us as an adult 5 years ago and had killed his fair share until we had a few discussions. No beatings took place, just some corrective training. He's now their biggest protector and shares his water and food with them.
Also have a 1.5 year old Great Pyr who thinks chickens are his own personal dinner-on-legs.
He won't chase them but if they enter into his personal space, they're supper. He's currently penned away from the chickens while we work on correcting that. We're baby-sitting a 1 yr old redbone hound who is insanely dangerous to our chickens. She's been penned her whole stay here, but I've seen her grab a roo that was walking by her pen (she could get her muzzle out of the space between the gate and fence post), pull him in and have him killed before I could take a breath to yell at her. Yeah, can't wait until that one goes home.
I used to have two beagle pups , 2 months ago they killed all but 5 of my chickens . I found them a good home , miles away from my chickens . I have a mastiff /lab mix and a mini daschund that ignore the chickens . The only 2 laying hens left lay thier eggs in the daschunds crate . I played a trick on my niece and told her they were "dog eggs " . Since my 9 year old daschund leaves the crate , then returns after the chickens leave , and curls around the eggs . I sent her to get them and theres teency curled around the eggs . she asked if we could let her hatch a few to see what kind of pups we would have , feathered or furred . I love that kid , so innocent and sweet .
I plan to get more chickens this spring ,since they killed my brooders ,I will have to start over with new stock .

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