Illegal chickens in the news in La Mesa, CA (near San Diego)



I've been campaigning for over a year to legalize chickens in my city, La Mesa, CA. I'm not the only one in my city who wants the law changed, nor am I the only one with illegal chickens. Today, I woke up to a woman from our local ABC news affiliate at my door, asking to interview me about the issue. So, sure enough, me and my chickens appeared on the news tonight! Here's the story:

comments are pretty entertaining. The best for me was that the reporter told me she expected the coop to be dirty and smelly but of course it wasn't. I explained that chickens are natural composters, and that compost, done right, shouldn't smell. And if flies are going in the coop to lay eggs, the chickens will eat the larva anyway. She was also impressed with the amount of thought that went into the garden and why the chickens were such an important component to improving the soil. The one thing that kind of cracked me up is that when I spoke about the health benefits of pastured eggs, she said something like "So you're conscious about your health. Are you a vegetarian?" Which I am. But it's funny that she'd jump to that conclusion.

Me & my girls will be on the local NBC affiliate too in a few weeks. It's all kind of funny because I'm not that interested in the publicity, at least, I don't want to publicize myself. I do want to publicize chickens and why they should be allowed and even encouraged. But it'd be nice if someone else and their flock got on TV next time instead of me again.

Oh - the point of this post - if you live in La Mesa, please get involved in their General Plan Update process. They have a survey that takes only a few min and it asks about chickens: You can also email the mayor and city council, or look on the city's General Plan page on the website about upcoming workshops. This week they had a meeting where they invited comments about health, wellness, & sustainability.

O/T, I recently got 3 Ameraucana chicks and I love them to death. Such a sweet breed! Much less impressed w/ the silver laced Wyandotte chick. Not sure if it's this individual chick or if it's the breed.
I saw you on the news! It's been replaying a lot on several local news channels. I don't live in La Mesa, but I live nearby. I don't see any problem with someone keeping a few chickens or ducks as pets. Afterall, I don't think they're any dirtier or noisier than dogs and cats (except, maybe, roos).

I was wondering if you are worried that you are going to lose your chickens now that you're on the news and more visible? It sounds like La Mesa wasn't really enforcing the laws unless there's a problem or complaint.
I don't think we'll lose the chickens. The city govt already knew about the chickens bc I've told them. I told them months ago. And my neighbors don't have a problem with the chickens. I'd love to see more of the towns in SD county loosen up about chickens in general. Most have rules that I feel are too strict. Coronado is the only one w/ an outright ban and I think national city loosened up their rules recently but no one else has that I know of. Lemon Grove has rules that aren't awful, from what I hear.
On the topic of dirty smelly, my hubby is a firefighter and you should here the stories he tells me about houses and pets. I wish people could understand that chickens can be alot cleaner than some of the pets that are allowed in the cities.
So true. Rabbits really smell. I had one growing up. And the last time I didn't live near a neighbor with a dog that barked nonstop was years ago. Compared to a rooster? Much more annoying in my opinion.
I left several comments on the story. People who don't know what they are talking about when they comment on a topic tick me off. I think it is outright STUPID that cities ban chickens in general. If they were to ban maybe the number you have or the roosters that would be reasonable. However to ban all is just stupid. I live in Georgia and know of any people who don't even realize where chicken eggs come from or that you don't need a rooster to have one. I also know of many people who think it is okay to feed ducks sliced bread but that particular thing is O/T. Congrats on the Ameracaunas and enjoy your chickens!
Some of the replies on that story are amazing.

"Chickens for pets? Why not just buy buckets of chicken poo and fling it all around. Add a large dose of dust and feathers."

This is one example of the prejudice preventing chickens from being accepted into the pet category in suburban environments. People think if you keep chickens in your backyard, then you must also enjoy milking cows and playing a banjo.
I comment on a lot of stories on the 10news site and this one has gotten more comments than most that I've seen. Yeah, so many ignorant people commenting. I think, in Mexico, you are allowed to have chickens in a residential area. When some people immigrate here, they continue to have chickens in their yards, even roos. So, about as long as I've lived in SD area, there's always been chickens in certain neighborhoods until recently. I don't know where this negative attitude came from. I would think that most people in this town would be used to hearing and seeing chickens around except in maybe the richest neighborhoods.
Hello everyone, I am new to the forum. My name is Libby and I live in La Mesa. Sadly my presence here is because the city is trying to take away my six hens. They are seven weeks old and my family and I are in love with them. We have a 12,000 square foot lot so there is more than enough room for six hens to roam around. I am guessing a neighbor called on me, it was one of two people, we are just not sure who. I can see how the city could look the other way if no one is complaining but we have a couple complainers on our street and I still want to keep my chickens. We are homeschoolers and we find tremendous amounts of education from raising the hens, my daughter is very allergic to anything with fur and so the chickens have become lovely pets for her. I am looking for guidance, knowledge, advice because my 8 year old daughter and I are ready to take this issue to city hall. I am wondering what has been tried already, if anyone knows the future of the ordinance, if any are interested in organizing and being some really squeaky wheels, etc. I wouldn't even care if the city required a permit for the hens, then they could make some money. But I need the ordinance changed so that my grumpy neighbors can't make things difficult for me anymore. Help me please!!

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