Illegal Chickens?

How lucky are you? You live in England and get to have as many chickens as you want. If I could figure out a way to do it, I would move there in a heartbeat. I need to find my English ancestors and claim dual citizenship! LOL!!! I would love the climate as well. I am in So Cal and all this sun and heat just isn't normal and it sucks the life right out of me. Give me a nice, cool rainy day anytime.

We are allowed 4 chickens even though we are in an unincorportated, mountain area. To me it is not worth the time, effort and expense to set up a coop for 4 chickens. What happens when they get older and you get very few eggs and can't add more hens? Plus eggs from 4 chickens would not be nearly enough for us. So I currently have 17 hens and two very illegal roosters, which were supposed to be hens but apparently they snuck out and had a sex change operation while I wasn't looking. They will be looking for new homes or going back to the breeder as there are those in my neighborhood who would love to turn me in to the authorities for committing such a heinous crime as keeping a rooster! The hens, they don't mind and when they are laying well, I have a thriving egg business. So I am illegal in plain sight!
1. Say what? Who? Where? Hey look, whats that over there? Something shiny

2. I knew that was a UFO I saw last night, they came and cloned my chickens.

3. I keep telling them time and time again, no parties, but they keep on coming over here. Must be my special feed.
I occasionally hang out on a UK board and some say the Allotment Act which allows chickens only applies to land that doesn't adjoin a residence. It seems that no one can quite figure out chicken laws regardless of where they live! It doesn't appear that English neighbors typically get bent out of shape about it, though, so it hasn't really been tested legally!
Hmmm... I found out that here in Anaheim I can have one hen per 1800 square feet of land space, rounded up, so I can have 8 "legal" chickens, but again that pesky rooster rule.

Today I went to go talk to the local high school FFA/4-H and found out that if we are members we can board our chickens there for free! I wonder what the local authorities would say abou my hens having a sleepover once in a while?
How in the world did they figure out that square footage per chicken?!! Oh well.

I'm lucky enough to live where there isn't a "legal" limit on hens, but roosters are a no-no. (I wish they would enforce the noise coming from the kid's car stereos like they enforce the crowing!) It's okay though. I got rid of mine early enough. Being strictly a backyard chicken guy I don't have a problem with the rooster restriction. The only limitation is the space I have which really limits me to twenty or less. (I started with eighteen, got rid of my three cockerels, and have fifteen now.) We could probably have more, but that wouldn't be fair, or humane to the chickens.
I won't tell if you won't...

I live in a neighborhood and have 30. I think the legal limit is 6 hens. I have hens, roosters, everything. But I slipped through the rules with the neighborhood ordinances because it's kept in check by the neighbor next door to me. She could careless about my chickens. I haven't clued them into how many are on my property

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