
Awesome thank you guess I may not have to try to torture it's gender out of the little thing guess I'll put away the spot light and knives

****Note please no one take the previous threat seriously of course I would never and of course it also wouldn't work anyway. ****

I just so desperately want the CL to be a pullet well all of them of course but I've been cheering that little one on since before it even hatched so I'm rather attached.

Any idea how old the chicks are in that picture you posted?

Yea I figured the Legbar would feather in much faster problem is I wasn't expecting how slow the orps would feather in as these are my first pure English orps and they are feathering way way slower even than the 50% English I got from Faraday40. Most of them have so few wing feathers still that I can't feather sex them but I'm leaning towards 3 boys and three girls although of course I would really like more girls.

They were a 1 month old in this pic. I have my fingers crossed for you, pullet.
Lol well that makes me feel a little better I have a buff silkie with basically the same story and now Ginger lays a beautiful white egg almost every single day.

Thank you for the crossed fingers :) I'd love the white sport and one of the cuckoos too I hope to both be pullets along with the two chocolates. :)
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Was out of town for a few days and DW and DS ate all the eggs in my absence (at least thats what they are telling me). So only setting 9 eggs this time for Easter HAL.

2 Legbars (hoping for white)
1 chocolate cuckoo orpington
1 black mottled orpington
1 chocolate orpington
4 black australorp x orpington crosses
Lol well that makes me feel a little better I have a buff silkie with basically the same story and now Ginger lays a beautiful white egg almost every single day.

Thank you for the crossed fingers
I'd love the white sport and one of the cuckoos too I hope to both be pullets along with the two chocolates.
Since we kind of know who the parents are of the chicks, it should mostly be an exercise in confirmation. So if you can take pics on Monday/Tuesday when they will be 2 weeks, especially of the wing feathers with wings stretched out, it will help a lot to determine sexes.

The 2 chocolates are definitely pullets
The dark colored choc cuckoo could be a girl or a boy (this one would be hard to tell for now)
Of the two light chicks, one has a darker shade. if it ends up with barring on the wing feathers, its definitely a double barred choc. cuckoo and hence a boy.
The lightest one if barred would either be a double barred choc cuckoo or mauve cuckoo. In either case it will be a boy. You will have to look very carefully because if its a mauve cuckoo, the barring would be very faint. On the other hand if there is no barring it would be mauve and hence a pullet.
As for the white legbar, your guess is as good as mine. Seems like its swelling is going away and the vault is closing so it may survive.

Good luck and have fun!
Was out of town for a few days and DW and DS ate all the eggs in my absence (at least thats what they are telling me). So only setting 9 eggs this time for Easter HAL.

2 Legbars (hoping for white)
1 chocolate cuckoo orpington
1 black mottled orpington
1 chocolate orpington
4 black australorp x orpington crosses

They made sure you weren't going to hatch to many. LOL. My auction eggs finally made it here yesterday, picked them up at PO and box looked good. Figured I would set those for Easter Hal but they had a rough ride. 8 broken eggs and they were scrambled. Covered just about everything in the box. I am going to try and set the couple that weren't coated so bad, but highly doubt they will even start. So instead, I will set a couple of orpingtons and bantam cochins again. I have 2 Orp and 4 SL bantams eggs that will be hatching this coming Friday.
Hope you had a good trip & sorry about the loss of eggs (LOL It's what my DH would have done too.)

My styrofoam incubator is not holding steady temps, so in hindsight, I wish I would have set up my coolerbator. At the time, I was thinking the auto-turner would save me the time & energy from hoovering around the incubator. Because the temps are not steady, I must keep a close eye on things. (No time is being saved!) I set close to 3 doz eggs & now will be happy if 1/2 make it. I will candle on Sun or Mon. If all was lost, I may be begging you for 1-2 chicks.
Hope you had a good trip & sorry about the loss of eggs (LOL It's what my DH would have done too.)

My styrofoam incubator is not holding steady temps, so in hindsight, I wish I would have set up my coolerbator. At the time, I was thinking the auto-turner would save me the time & energy from hoovering around the incubator. Because the temps are not steady, I must keep a close eye on things. (No time is being saved!) I set close to 3 doz eggs & now will be happy if 1/2 make it. I will candle on Sun or Mon. If all was lost, I may be begging you for 1-2 chicks.
I would be more than happy to. However not very hopeful on the fertility. I had just put the roosters back with the girls a day before I left for Vegas but the day after they had to be locked down in the garage again because of a neighbors noise complaint. So will find out on Day 5 candling.

BTW, those of you who have issues seeing through brown eggs, I have found that the cell phone flash light is much more powerful than the typical LEDs we use. I have not tested it on any Welsummer or Maran eggs but everything else lights up really nicely.
They made sure you weren't going to hatch to many. LOL. My auction eggs finally made it here yesterday, picked them up at PO and box looked good. Figured I would set those for Easter Hal but they had a rough ride. 8 broken eggs and they were scrambled. Covered just about everything in the box. I am going to try and set the couple that weren't coated so bad, but highly doubt they will even start. So instead, I will set a couple of orpingtons and bantam cochins again. I have 2 Orp and 4 SL bantams eggs that will be hatching this coming Friday.
Isn't it the 2nd time this happened? Sorry to hear that. Well someone owes me 18 Barnevelder eggs which I paid for last year. Whenever they are available, I will ask you and @Faraday40 . At the moment, I was told they are not available at least through May.
Isn't it the 2nd time this happened? Sorry to hear that. Well someone owes me 18 Barnevelder eggs which I paid for last year. Whenever they are available, I will ask you and @Faraday40 . At the moment, I was told they are not available at least through May.

No this is the same 1st. shipment, it was sent in the wrong direction at first and finally arrived yesterday. And I agree on the Phone Light App, I have been using it for a while. Also used it for my Marans eggs and was by far the best lighting for dark eggs. Just make sure you close out the program when finished candling, it causes my phone to over heat.

And I do not need any Barnevelders, that is @Faraday40 new breed. Sorry to hear about your problems with the Incubator Temps Faraday, hope your hatch does better than expected. I have the same problem with my Styrofoam incubator, I have perfect spots, cold spots and hot spots. Forever moving thermostats around and rotating eggs. Love my little brinsea, perfect temps, but not enough room.

I still have my order of chicks coming from Greg (Spangled Orps) and Heirloom (Black Orp). I am soooo done. If anyone is interested in either, let me know. I plan on letting them grow out a bit, but only plan on keeping 2 of each.

@Justso I am hatching out some of the SL bantam cochins in this next month, if you would rather have chicks instead of eggs. Let me know

They made sure you weren't going to hatch to many. LOL. My auction eggs finally made it here yesterday, picked them up at PO and box looked good. Figured I would set those for Easter Hal but they had a rough ride. 8 broken eggs and they were scrambled. Covered just about everything in the box. I am going to try and set the couple that weren't coated so bad, but highly doubt they will even start.  So instead, I  will set a couple of orpingtons and bantam cochins again. I have 2 Orp and 4 SL bantams eggs that will be hatching this coming Friday.  

Isn't it the 2nd time this happened? Sorry to hear that. Well someone owes me 18 Barnevelder eggs which I paid for last year. Whenever they are available, I will ask you and @Faraday40
. At the moment, I was told they are not available at least through May.

Hi, I said I will try to get you some eggs later if possible . Last year, I sent you 24 only set 14 for some reason. You Got 10 to hatch. Sold all but two as chicks. I offered to send you more eggs right away because I mistakenly didn't send any that were blue . You refused to take another 24 eggs for free. I Offered you a full refund because I didn't sent you any blues even though I only charged the standard price in the first place. You did not responded to my multiple messages offering a full refund. You got 10 chicks for about $6 each ( could of gotten more if you would of set all the eggs) . And now after one year of no communication, you want more eggs this year for free and you don't even want them for yourself. You are going to hatch these to sell to someone else?

I'd rather send you a refund then ship eggs to someone who doesn't even want them.
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