
How good is the juice??? Is it comparable to 3 floyds dark lord ??
Not sure about your "dark lord", but Light the Lamp "Red Line" is mighty fine! :D (they are in Grayslake) I get their spent grain there, but no free beer. I did ask someone who bought three dozen to fill my growler in lieu of payment. ;) Sounds nasty when I say it like that! LOL heheheh
So what eggs are you getting or trading??
I am trading eating eggs for the beer. (which I am drinking right now!)
This is just for one customer. The local brewery will fill up a growler for $15 which is 3 dozen eggs for me. It's 64 oz of fresh - yummy - Red - beer.

I brew cider, but beer is too fussy for me to make. I am going to see if I can cultivate this type of transaction more (because who really has time for cruddy beer.) ;)
Anyone else's hens starting to lay like crazy with this weather???  Mine are taking off!

From their collective temperamental dead stop last month they are finally starting to pick back up, none of my green or blue layers have resumed yet, nor have the Marans started, only some light brown layers, hopefully the others join in...

One over achiever might need an ice pack after today, though...

This is the batch of hardboiled we did today. The newbies eggs are so small it doesn't take much to look like a lot since they are so small.

You have some busy girls! My girls can barely keep up with demand. I steal certain eggs for the incubator, dog gets 3 eggs every morning, and the couple I use making breakfast. I think my girls need a lesson from yours!
We've been getting about 14-17 eggs a day on average for a couple weeks now at least. However today we only got 12 but that could also be because two of my silkies are currently broody lol belove it or not my silkies are very very good layers better than some of my large fowl.


Still no eggs from Jasmine, Cinder, or Ella yet but they are all pinking up Jazzy's quite pink won't be long now I'm sure as Mike caught her being amorous with our lf roo. I myself still haven't seen her lay but I feel it's going to be soon. Her sisters have been seen investigating the nest boxes but nothing yet from any of them.
You have some busy girls! My girls can barely keep up with demand. I steal certain eggs for the incubator, dog gets 3 eggs every morning, and the couple I use making breakfast. I think my girls need a lesson from yours!
I guess we do not eat as many daily. My youngest (whom I am hoping will take care of me when I am old and frail) makes his own eggs whenever he gets hungry. He is 10. I forget to eat and end up using the eggs sporadically. Prior to having hens, I used them all the time it seemed!

I tried to sell them as "Pullet Eggs" but, yea. No one was wanting little eggs. After HB'ing them, my kids were eating them like Cool Hand Luke
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LOL, don't we all have that one child we hope will take care of us when were old. My husband and I were laughing about this subject the other night.

I have to remind myself, I only have 10 layers. But have some pullets coming up, and it looks like 1 of my Isbars will be laying soon! Her comb is pretty red.
:hit Woke up to the neighbors husky dogs running through the yard.

One chicken dead.

30 minutes of chasing pups around. Covered in mud, feathers and fur all before 8am

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