I'm a chick mamma newbie - 3 week old chicks in coop question PLEASE HELP!

Well, I don't have to worry about it being too cold, actually I put an ice cube in their water today because it was 95 degrees Fahrenheit. I sure hope it gets easier, I will definitely take their food away in the afternoon, also, I have bought a light for the coop so maybe that would attract them too and then I can turn it off so they can sleep. They sure did love being down there and I put some sand and grit for them too. Will keep you posted on how this goes. Thanks for the advice.
As long as they understand how to climb the ramp and there are no holes under you coop that can catch and hold water they should be OK with a little water at their age. The big worry is if they understand how to climb the ramp in order to access the safety and dryness of the coop. This means that you may have to show them the first time or two. Chickens can be real dumb but even at that they learn faster than children, Chicks just don't learn as much.
my chicks were only 3 weeks old when i put them in their coop and the first night, i had to put each one of them in the coop at night.. than, i was surprised at how much they go on instinct.. come dusk, they slowly put themselves to bed.. up the ramp and into the coop.. they are only 7 weeks old and grow soooo fast.. i adore my 9 little babies..
Today they have been up and down the ramp a lot so I think in one day they figured it out. They like to fly to the ramp. It's so cute! My four girls will be 4 weeks Wednesday. They are really getting their feathers all over too. Love them! Wish I had done this a long time ago!
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So glad for the update on your babies!
It makes ME happy to see you enjoying and loving them so much.
I'm expecting two four week old chicks sometime this week. I was wondering if I should keep them inside for awhile.But it sounds like they should do just fine outside. I just finished a addition to the coop to keep them separated from my New Hampshire and Red sex link. We're only aloud to have four chickens in this city. Thank you. Enjoy your new chicks
Mine have done great but they are the only chickens I have. They fly up to the coop from the run I guess getting their exercise . Submit pictures when you get them. I want to see how big they are compared to mine.
I'm expecting two four week old chicks sometime this week. I was wondering if I should keep them inside for awhile.But it sounds like they should do just fine outside. I just finished a addition to the coop to keep them separated from my New Hampshire and Red sex link. We're only aloud to have four chickens in this city. Thank you. Enjoy your new chicks

it is always good to keep them inside the coop or in a pen with coop for a couple/few days so they learn and know "this is home".. i am glad where i live there is no limit on how many i can have, cuz i love all 9 of my babies.. :) what breed are you expecting to get? and enjoy!!
I'm expecting a Cuckoo Maran and a Buffed Laced Polish. I currently have a New Hampshire and a Red sex Link. I had to put down another Red that I had over the winter. Sadly she was my favorite chicken. And I just recently passed off to a friend a psycho Gray Leg horn.
it is always good to keep them inside the coop or in a pen with coop for a couple/few days so they learn and know "this is home".. i am glad where i live there is no limit on how many i can have, cuz i love all 9 of my babies.. :) what breed are you expecting to get? and enjoy!!
Here's a pic of my coop addition. Let's see if I got the quote and reply thing right this time.

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