I'm at the end of my feather...need help for feather eating chickens

If you google pinless peepers you will find them. Basically they look like little "glasses" for chickens without the lens part. Instead they are solid plastic. They work like blinders for horses in that they block vision.

And they allow the chicken to see down to eat/drink, but not forward to peck at others.
Last summer I had quite a bit of feather plucking happening in my flock. One of my friends, who is an "old timer" with chickens gave me this suggestion: put a couple of styrafoam cups in the coop for them to peck at. Well, I had nothing to lose, so I threw a couple on the floor. That seemed to solve our more vicious pecking.

Do your birds get to free range at all? Any chance for them to eat some bugs? Did you know that chickens are not vegetarians?
Pinless peepers were a great help to my feather-picking problem. You can get them here: http://www.eggcartons.com/Pinless-Peepers/productinfo/PINLESS-P/

problem was caused by mostly one hen, but the behavior began to spread amongst the flock when they had cabin-fever this spring. We increased protein, started free-ranging on a limited basis, gave flock block and put peepers on the worst offender. Now we have 2 (of 16) that wear the peepers all the time. Feathers are growing back!
Good luck.
I have the same pecking problems that you all seem to have. I got rid of the one who was the worst offender. Needless to say the others seem to have taken her place in the "Feather eating" domain! I have chickens that will just sit and let the others eat away at them. Even the ones that are bare butted will stand and eat the feathers off of her fellow flock members. I have tried the peepers without much luck. I feed them sunflower seeds daily to add protein to their diet.(They are on Purina Layer Crumbles) I have tried Peck No More. They just seem to peck that off and besides it would take a gallon at this point just to coat the bald spots. I can't let them free range due to the neighbors dogs, the resident coyote and the chicken hawks that frequent the skies above us. I try to always give them extra treats from the garden, veggies from the local farmers market and anything else that will keep them busy. The run is 6 X 12 and the coop is 7 X 10 for 7 birds so I don't think space is a problem. They have 3 different roost and 4 nesting boxes.

I am going to buy a flock block and start feeding them scrambled eggs. I read on BYC to put duct tape on the bald spots so I am going to try that also. I have been dealing with this for quite some time. The girls will be 1 year old the end of August. It all seemed to start when the roo started mating with them and causing bald backs. After that they all got curious and started pecking. I have since ditched the roo (he was wonderful btw, DH just couldn't stand the crowing at all hours of the day and night)!

I originally thought that the ones with all their feathers were the offenders but have since found that they all peck n'eat to some extent.

Since I contributed a comment to this thread earlier, I thought I'd give an update.

I have one very serious feather picker. Flo has a fixation on plucking feathers out of anyone in her vicinity. She eats them, too. I had tried feeding her extra protein, and even segregating her in the rooster pen. I finally took pity on her and returned her to the hen pen because she had become fairly denuded, herself, from the serial rape.

So I decided to approach the problem from the opposite end: protect the victims. I made saddle/aprons and installed them on all of Flo's victims. Then I bought some pinless peepers and installed one of them on Flo. (I had to buy a box of 100)

Flo still manages to pick feathers, but it is greatly diminished because she can't see straight ahead. The thing that's really slowed the feather picking down is the saddle/aprons. Poor Flo sometimes needs help getting through the pop hole at night since she can't see where she's going, and she can't enjoy the hanging treats, but it beats getting eaten.
I have put a video on you tube of my chickens with peepers on. I'm using them to help with the pecking. Take a look if you haven't seen them in action. Just go to You tube and type in Maggiemoo's Little Acre . There are five different episodes. Episode #5 shows the peepers.
Where can you buy Pinless Peepers in the UK please - I have been watching my chickens for ages today and have tried eveything under the sun but I think this is the last thing I can try. I have googled them and only get US ones?

Since your eggs are also affected sounds like they need more calcium in their diet, which can lead to feather picking. Supplement them with oyster shell and put peepers on them since it has most likely become a habit by now. Any way they can free range during summer? More space with lots of grass and bugs definitely helps in my experience.

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