I'm at war with racoons.

We have coon coon hounds. A well trained dog with great instincts can solve your problem. Ask around see if you can find someone who has them. Often guys and girls are happy to just to run dogs. Most time with proof it is legal to have predators removed any time of year.
I agree that having a good tough dog around will do wonders about keeping the varmints at bay.

Last year we had a big problem with a female fox who took up residence under a part time neighbor's cabin and raised herself a littler of fat healthy kits feeding them on the local chicken and guinea flocks. Mamma wiped out our next door neighbor's flock. We would find chicken and guinea feathers around our pond and little fox footprints around our runs. What kept them out of the run and coop was a metal clad coop and a hot wired run. What keeps them from becoming any bolder is our dogs who are outside a lot and have been known to dispatch everything from raccoons to voles. Our neighbor who lost their whole flock now has a dog.

Sure hope your girls are doing better.
The best bait I've had luck with for raccoons is marshmallows. They LOVE them.
We had a raccoon here years ago I just could not trap. Called in a family friend who is a trapper, he used one of the hand hold traps people have suggested - turned out to be a huge male over 25 lbs - literally too big to fit intp my havaheart.
Good luck with your trapping. Varmits, ugh!
Not even 15 minutes ago my dogs started barking at the front door. I have a huge raccoon that hangs out in the front. He takes off when he hears them. I'm not sure if they hear or smell it, but they know. I think I'm going the route of using my dogs to guard the area.
So sorry one has died. Chickens generally have amazing survivals unless they go into shock or get infected, and are not treated for it.
I'm on ten acres and I'm bating them. Never had a problem for two years. They definitely know what a trap is so im thinking somebody trapped them and dropped them off in my area.
If you have electricity in the coop and have access to a baby monitor put one inside the coop and the other next to your bed. Then you can monitor what is happening.

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