I'm baaack!!!


5 Years
Nov 18, 2014
Pacific Northwest
Hi everybody!
It's been quite a while since I have been active here, and not sure if I've ever introduced myself...
Today we just got our 4th flock after being chickenless for about 2 years. It was a looong 2 years and I spent much of my time hooked on Facebook. So I'm happy to say I'm kicking that habit to the curb now that we have chickens again! :caf

Our 1st flock was 8 yrs ago, they were a re-home flock, #2 was a replacement flock. Then we moved across the state and acquired flock #3, a rescue flock! We ended up having to re-home them due to undesirable neighbors. But now we are homeowners in the country! So now flock #4 is also a re-home flock. They are 1yr old and super duper friendly. We have 1 leghorn, 1 wellsummer, 1 australorp, and 1 barred rock. :woot
I bet it feels great to be back with your flock even if its a new one. No one to tell you they are to noisy to being in the country. They are loving their new home I bet and taking ones that are rehomed that someone couldn't or didn't want any longer is great. It sure beats the stew pot for them having someone love and care for them. So thanks you and welcome to BYC
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