I'm Building an Incubator - please don't bother asking permission to laugh at me

there are a bunch of UK members on here, one has GORGEOUS polish chickens

I really like chickens, and I realise they would probably be easier to get at this time of year, the plan originally was to get two ducklings, raise them and let them go outside and then raise two chicks, I suppose we could do it the other way around and they are probably much easier to get during the winter months as well, might be worth me looking into it a little more, I am not a huge fan of very small birds though ( I'm not sure if polish are small or not, haven't seen what one looks like
) and there are so many breeds of chicken I feel like I wouldn't be able to pick just two!
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Back on the topic of incubators, will this fit the bill or is it overkill? I only want two ducks ideally so I'm not sure how many eggs to put in, I don't really want to be inundated with balls of fluff but I could probably house around 8 if need be
i would get a dozen eggs and hope for a 40-50% hatch rate

Back on the topic of incubators, will this fit the bill or is it overkill? I only want two ducks ideally so I'm not sure how many eggs to put in, I don't really want to be inundated with balls of fluff but I could probably house around 8 if need be
Ideally you should keep 3, that way if something happens to one you don't have a lonely duck. But if you keep 4 then your backup duck will have a back up. But when hatching ducks at least 50% will be male so you'd better try to hatch 6. Unfortunately not all eggs will hatch so add in 2 more as just in case not everybody hatches. Then factor in early duckling mortality and you'd better just try to incubate a full dozen........just to be safe

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