I'm Building an Incubator - please don't bother asking permission to laugh at me

Yeah maybe something like that............maybe.
I am trying to contact the people that sent it to me but i am getting nowhere, may have to end up doing a paypal thing
not sure on the bulbs even with the heat block on top, as that will get hot as well, just not sure how hot. The main issue is not getting those hot spots, if I were to do it I would fight myself until I put them lower and protect the plastic from buring with those heat blocks and place fan a tad higher than top of them.... and with that fan on the water you are going to wick it right out and have to constantly add more.

Ditch the top fan that will dry out the eggs too much you have plenty of side air space open at the turner

I use small frozen meal plastic dishes of all sizes and compartments in the bottom so I can add water in small amounts or fill for lockdown as needed.

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