I'm finally a momma!!!! *Pic heavy* New Px Pg6


11 Years
Oct 12, 2011
Today I picked up my baby chicks! 12 little bundles of love!

They're all cochins. I told the lady I wanted a surprise, so she said she picked out several different colors.

If any of you are able to ID them, please don't spoil my fun by telling me what they are :p

The pictures are kind of bad because it's dark downstairs even with the light on and they are constantly moving around.


*NOTE: The little yellow one whose face is in pretty much every single picture is already my favorite. S/He is very adventurous and is always the first to do anything and always comes to me when I cluck!

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Congratulations! I don't get to be a momma until April 12th! Have you had babies before? This will be my first time.
Your babies are SO cute!!! Just precious!!!
Have fun with them!
This is my first time too!! I've already been calling the lady who gave them to me asking if their behavior is normal. Cause they will all start to sleep and one by one just fall over into heaps of fluff. I was worried!!

But they're all up and around.

Also I think they're all bantams, I'm not sure.
Congrats! My hubby thought all my chicks were dying because of the way they would fall over and sleep. Didn't matter what they were doing, if they wanted to sleep they would sleep. Eat, sleep, poop, stretch, zip around like freaks. They were fun to watch!
I know!!! I've been watching them so close because I get scared when they just fall over into lumps. One was eating and just passed out in the food bowl! it worried me. Lol!

Congrats! My hubby thought all my chicks were dying because of the way they would fall over and sleep. Didn't matter what they were doing, if they wanted to sleep they would sleep. Eat, sleep, poop, stretch, zip around like freaks. They were fun to watch!

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