I'm finally a momma!!!! *Pic heavy* New Px Pg6

I'm a 13-year-old father. My parents must be so proud!
Well, we first got 7. 3 Buff Orpingtons, 3 black stars, and 1 Australorp. Well, we then went into town to get turkeys, but they had none. So why waste a trip? We got 5 more that are 2 weeks apart from the other ones. Theyre ameracunas. Adorable, I must say! They're doing well, and we have them in a pretty big coop, they seem to be pretty strong and hearty birds. Well, I hope you enjoy yours as much as we do!
And remeber, if you want hens, always refer to unsexed birds as SHE! Think positive! :)

Hee hee! Your last comment made me laugh! I have a four-year old daughter that has the same mind-set.
We have 3 chicks from the TSC pullet bin. There was one that was really making me think it was trying to be a rooster. So, my oldest son starts calling it ROOSTER. My 4-year old replies, "SHHHHHHHHH!!! You are going to turn it into a rooster calling it that!!!"
awww thats soo cute! i just got chicks myself two weeks ago. Also i was wondering if someone could reply to my post about the gender of my chicks. Could someone help me out?
They are SO cute! I want more babies (eh chickies). Ours are 1 year old and we love them. I miss their little "peep peeps". We will replenish when our current girls are about 4-5 years old. I figure to add every 4-5 years to keep up a healthy supply of eggs.

Congrats on your baby chickies! I look forward to seeing them grow.
Ok Desirai, now its been a couple months I want to see some updated pics they grow up so fast and feather out so beautifully!!!! :) We are 7 Cochins and love every one of them!
Hahaha!! I know, I haven't posted any pics really...

Here, have some pictures!!

Hutch (back) Pop (front roo) Honker Sister 1 (left corner)

My cat came up and rubbed against the fence, everybody had to look!

Lindo, the roo who was supposed to be Linda!

Tredigar! Courtesy of my mom.. also July is the ball of brown fluff next to her

June was trying to nap.

Lindo and his groupies. July (bottom) Honker Sister 1 or 2 (light buff, I can't tell them apart except for their sounds) Paula the pretty laced one and Lindo!


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